Man pages for notebookutils
Dummy R APIs Used in 'Azure Synapse Analytics' for Local Developments

displaySet the dataframe info which needs to be visualized.
display.configSet the chart config metadata for current dataframe (set by...
displayHTMLConstruct an specific html fragment to synapse notebook...
mssparkutils.credentials.getConnectionStringOrCredsTake linked service name as input and return connection...
mssparkutils.credentials.getFullConnectionStringTake linked service name as input and return full connection...
mssparkutils.credentials.getPropertiesAllReturn all the properties of a given linked service in string...
mssparkutils.credentials.getSecretReturn AKV secret.
mssparkutils.credentials.getSecretWithLSReturn AKV secret using linkedService.
mssparkutils.credentials.getTokenGet AAD token for a resource.
mssparkutils.credentials.helpGet help message.
mssparkutils.credentials.isValidTokenReturns true if the input token is valid (i.e, hasn't...
mssparkutils.credentials.putSecretPut AKV secret using with or without linkedService.
mssparkutils.credentials.putSecretWithLSPut AKV secret using linkedService.
mssparkutils.env.getClusterIdGet cluster id.
mssparkutils.env.getJobIdGet job Id.
mssparkutils.env.getPoolNameGet pool name.
mssparkutils.env.getUserIdGet user Id.
mssparkutils.env.getUserNameGet user name.
mssparkutils.env.getWorkspaceNameGet workspace name.
mssparkutils.env.helpGet help message.
mssparkutils.fs.appendAppend the given String to a file, encoded in UTF-8.
mssparkutils.fs.cpCopies a file or directory, possibly across FileSystems.
mssparkutils.fs.existsCheck if a file or directory exists.
mssparkutils.fs.fastcpCopies a file or directory via azcopy, possibly across...
mssparkutils.fs.getMountPathGets the local path of the mount point.
mssparkutils.fs.headReturns up to the first 'maxBytes' bytes of the given file as...
mssparkutils.fs.helpmssparkutils.fs provides utilities for working with various...
mssparkutils.fs.lsLists the contents of a directory.
mssparkutils.fs.mkdirsCreates the given directory if it does not exist, also...
mssparkutils.fs.mountAttach remote storage (Blob, Gen2, Azure File Share) to all...
mssparkutils.fs.mountsShow information about what is mounted. Any credentials used...
mssparkutils.fs.mountToDriverNodeAttach remote storage (Blob, Gen2, Azure File Share) to...
mssparkutils.fs.mvMoves a file or directory, possibly across FileSystems. For...
mssparkutils.fs.putWrites the given String out to a file, encoded in UTF-8.
mssparkutils.fs.refreshMountsRefresh workspace level mount points.
mssparkutils.fs.rmRemoves a file or directory.
mssparkutils.fs.unmountRemoves a mount point.
mssparkutils.fs.unmountFromDriverNodeRemoves a mount point from driver node.
mssparkutils.helpGet help message for this module.
mssparkutils.lakehouse.createCreate a lakehouse
mssparkutils.lakehouse.deleteDelete a lakehouse
mssparkutils.lakehouse.getGet a lakehouse
mssparkutils.lakehouse.helpThe lakehouse module.
mssparkutils.lakehouse.listList all lakehouses
mssparkutils.lakehouse.updateUpdate a lakehouse
mssparkutils.notebook.exitThis method lets you exit a notebook with a value.
mssparkutils.notebook.helpThe notebook module.
mssparkutils.notebook.runRuns a notebook and returns its exit value. The notebook will...
mssparkutils.notebook.runMultipleRuns multiple notebooks concurrently with support for...
mssparkutils.notebook.updateNBSEndpointprovide a way to make people can update the endpoint
mssparkutils.runtime.contextGet runtime properties
mssparkutils.runtime.setHcReplIdSet runtime high concurrency mode repl id
mssparkutils.session.stopStop an interactive session
notebookutils.credentials.getConnectionStringOrCredsTake linked service name as input and return connection...
notebookutils.credentials.getFullConnectionStringTake linked service name as input and return full connection...
notebookutils.credentials.getPropertiesAllReturn all the properties of a given linked service in string...
notebookutils.credentials.getSecretReturn AKV secret.
notebookutils.credentials.getSecretWithLSReturn AKV secret using linkedService.
notebookutils.credentials.getTokenGet AAD token for a resource.
notebookutils.credentials.helpGet help message.
notebookutils.credentials.isValidTokenReturns true if the input token is valid (i.e, hasn't...
notebookutils.credentials.putSecretPut AKV secret using with or without linkedService.
notebookutils.credentials.putSecretWithLSPut AKV secret using linkedService.
notebookutils.env.getClusterIdGet cluster id.
notebookutils.env.getJobIdGet job Id.
notebookutils.env.getPoolNameGet pool name.
notebookutils.env.getUserIdGet user Id.
notebookutils.env.getUserNameGet user name.
notebookutils.env.getWorkspaceNameGet workspace name.
notebookutils.env.helpGet help message.
notebookutils.fabricClient.deleteSend a DELETE request to Fabric.
notebookutils.fabricClient.getSend a GET request to Fabric.
notebookutils.fabricClient.helpGet help string for a method.
notebookutils.fabricClient.listCapacitiesList all capacities in the workspace.
notebookutils.fabricClient.patchSend a PATCH request to Fabric.
notebookutils.fabricClient.postSend a POST request to Fabric.
notebookutils.fabricClient.putSend a PUT request to Fabric.
notebookutils.fs.appendAppend the given String to a file, encoded in UTF-8.
notebookutils.fs.cpCopies a file or directory, possibly across FileSystems.
notebookutils.fs.existsCheck if a file or directory exists.
notebookutils.fs.fastcpCopies a file or directory via azcopy, possibly across...
notebookutils.fs.getMountPathGets the local path of the mount point.
notebookutils.fs.headReturns up to the first 'maxBytes' bytes of the given file as...
notebookutils.fs.helpnotebookutils.fs provides utilities for working with various...
notebookutils.fs.lsLists the contents of a directory.
notebookutils.fs.mkdirsCreates the given directory if it does not exist, also...
notebookutils.fs.mountAttach remote storage (Blob, Gen2, Azure File Share) to all...
notebookutils.fs.mountsShow information about what is mounted. Any credentials used...
notebookutils.fs.mountToDriverNodeAttach remote storage (Blob, Gen2, Azure File Share) to...
notebookutils.fs.mvMoves a file or directory, possibly across FileSystems. For...
notebookutils.fs.putWrites the given String out to a file, encoded in UTF-8.
notebookutils.fs.refreshMountsRefresh workspace level mount points.
notebookutils.fs.rmRemoves a file or directory.
notebookutils.fs.unmountRemoves a mount point.
notebookutils.fs.unmountFromDriverNodeRemoves a mount point from driver node.
notebookutils.helpGet help message for this module.
notebookutils.lakehouse.createCreate a lakehouse
notebookutils.lakehouse.deleteDelete a lakehouse
notebookutils.lakehouse.getGet a lakehouse
notebookutils.lakehouse.getDefinitionGet the definition of a lakehouse
notebookutils.lakehouse.getWithPropertiesGet the info of a Lakehouse with properties.
notebookutils.lakehouse.helpThe lakehouse module.
notebookutils.lakehouse.listList all lakehouses
notebookutils.lakehouse.listTablesList all tables in a Lakehouse.
notebookutils.lakehouse.loadTableStarts a load table operation.
notebookutils.lakehouse.updateUpdate a lakehouse
notebookutils.lakehouse.updateDefinitionGet the definition of a lakehouse
notebookutils.notebook.createCreate a notebook
notebookutils.notebook.deleteDelete a notebook
notebookutils.notebook.exitThis method lets you exit a notebook with a value.
notebookutils.notebook.getGet a notebook
notebookutils.notebook.helpThe notebook module.
notebookutils.notebook.listList all notebooks
notebookutils.notebook.runRuns a notebook and returns its exit value. The notebook will...
notebookutils.notebook.updateUpdate a notebook
notebookutils.notebook.updateDefinitionGet the definition of a notebook
notebookutils.notebook.updateNBSEndpointprovide a way to make people can update the endpoint
notebookutils.runtime.contextGet runtime properties
notebookutils.runtime.helpnotebookutils.runtime is a utility to manage runtime context....
notebookutils.runtime.setHcReplIdSet runtime high concurrency mode repl id
notebookutils.session.stopStop an interactive session
notebookutils.warehouse.createCreate a warehouse
notebookutils.warehouse.deleteDelete a warehouse
notebookutils.warehouse.getGet a warehouse
notebookutils.warehouse.getDefinitionGet the definition of a warehouse
notebookutils.warehouse.helpThe warehouse module.
notebookutils.warehouse.listList all warehouses
notebookutils.warehouse.updateUpdate a warehouse
notebookutils.warehouse.updateDefinitionGet the definition of a warehouse
notebookutils.workspace.assignToCapacityAssign a workspace to a capacity
notebookutils.workspace.createCreate a workspace
notebookutils.workspace.deleteDelete a workspace
notebookutils.workspace.getGet a workspace
notebookutils.workspace.helpThe workspace module.
notebookutils.workspace.listList all workspaces
notebookutils.workspace.listArtifactsList the specified artifacts in the workspace
notebookutils.workspace.unassignFromCapacityUnassign a workspace from a capacity
notebookutils.workspace.updateUpdate a workspace
notebookutils documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:08 p.m.