Man pages for nricens
NRI for Risk Prediction Models with Time to Event and Binary Response Data

categorizeCategorization of a continuous variable.
get.risk.coxphCalculate individual risks based on the Cox regression model.
get.risk.survregCalculate individual risks based on the parametric survival...
get.surv.kmCalculate a survival probability at a given time by the...
get.uppdwnDetermine 'UP' and 'DOWN' for the NRI calculation
get.uppdwn.binDetermine 'UP' and 'DOWN' for the NRI calculation
nribinNRI for binary models
nribin.count.mainEstimate NRI by the counting method.
nricensNRI for time to event models
nricens.ipw.mainEstimate NRI by the inverse probability weighting (IPW)... NRI by the standard Kaplan-Meier method.
nricens-packageR Functions to calculate NRI for comparing time to event and...
nricens documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:01 a.m.