Man pages for ohenery
Modeling of Ordinal Random Variables via Softmax Regression

best_pictureOscar Award Best Picture Data
divingOlympic Diving Data
erankExpected rank under the Harville model.
harsmFriendly interface to softmax regression under Harville...
harsmfitExperts only softmax regression under Harville model.
harsm_invlinkThe inverse link for the softmax.
hensmFriendly interface to softmax regression under Henery model.
inv_smaxThe inverse softmax function.
linoddsAn object for modeling linear odds.
NEWSNews for package 'ohenery':
normalizeNormalize a vector to sum to one.
oheneryThe 'ohenery' package.
race_dataHorse Race Data
rheneryRandom generation under the Henery (or Harville) softmax...
rsmGenerate variates from a softmax distribution.
smaxThe softmax function.
smlikSoftmax log likelihood under Harville and Henery Models.
ohenery documentation built on Oct. 25, 2024, 9:07 a.m.