Man pages for ojsr
Crawler and Data Scraper for Open Journal System ('OJS')

get_articles_from_issueScraping articles URLs from the ToC of OJS issues
get_articles_from_searchScraping OJS search results for a given criteria to retrieve...
get_galleys_from_articleScraping galleys URLs from OJS articles
get_html_meta_from_articleScraping metadata from the OJS articles HTML
get_issues_from_archiveScraping issues’ URLs from the OJS issues archive
get_oai_meta_from_articleRetrieving OAI records for OJS articles
ojsrojsr: A package for scraping OJS
parse_base_urlParses urls against OJS routing conventions and retrieves the...
parse_oai_urlParses urls against OJS routing conventions and retrieves the...
ojsr documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 5:20 p.m.