Man pages for omnibus
Helper Tools for Managing Data, Dates, Missing Values, and Text

appendListsAppend values to elements of a list from another list
bracketIdentify values bracketing another value
capItCapitalize first letter of a string
combineDfCombine data frames with different fields using a crosswalk...
compareFloatCompare values to floating-point precision
conversionFactorsData frame or conversion factors for length or areal units
convertUnitsConvert length or areal units
cornerCorner of a matrix or data frame
countDecDigitsNumber of digits after a decimal place
cullForce objects to have length or rows equal to the shortest
dirCreateReplacement for dir.create()
domLeapDay of month for leap years
domNonLeapDay of month for non-leap years
doyLeapDay of year for leap years
doyNonLeapDays of year for non-leap years
ellipseNamesGet names of objects input as arguments in ellipse ('...')...
epsThe smallest machine-readable number
expandUnitsConvert unit abbreviations to proper unit names
forwardSlashReplace backslash with forward slash
insertInsert values into a vector
insertColInsert a column or row into a data frame or matrix
isLeapYearIs a year a leap year?
isTRUENAVectorized test for truth robust to NA
is.wholeNumberTest if a numeric value is a whole number
listFilesReplacement for 'list.files()'
longRunLength of the longest run of a particular value in a numeric...
maxRunsMaximum number of continuous "runs" of values meeting a...
memUseSize of objects taking most memory use
mergeListsMerge two lists with precedence
mirrorFlip an object
mmodeModal value(s)
naCompareCompare values using <, <=, >, >=, !=, and == (robust to NAs)
naOmitMultiRemove NAs from one or more equal-length vectors
naRowsIndex of rows in a data frame or matrix that contain at least...
notInOpposite of '%in%'
omnibusomnibus: Fantabulous helper functions
pairDistCalculate pairwise distances between two matrices or data...
pmatchSafePartial matching of strings with error checking
prefixAdd leading characters to a string
quadAreaArea of a quadrilateral
renameColRename columns
renumSeqRenumber a sequence of numbers
rotateMatrixRotate values in a matrix
roundedSigDigitsNumber of significant digits in rounded numbers
roundToRound to nearest target value
rowColIndexingConvert between row- and column-style indexing of matrices
rstringMake a nearly-guaranteed unique string
sayNicer version of 'print()' or 'cat()' function
sideLeft/right side of a data frame or matrix
stretchMinMaxRescale values
unlistRecursiveFor any object in a list that is also a list, unlist it
unragMatrixTurn a "ragged" matrix into a "ragged" vector
which.pmaxWhich vector has maximum value at each element
yearFromDateYear from date formats that are possibly ambiguous
omnibus documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 5:09 p.m.