Man pages for oolong
Create Validation Tests for Automated Content Analysis

abstractsAbstracts of communication journals dataset
abstracts_seededldaTopic models trained with the abstracts dataset.
afinnAFINN dictionary
check_oolongCheck whether the oolong needs to be updated
clone_oolongClone an oolong object
create_oolongGenerate an oolong test
deploy_oolongDeploy an oolong test
export_oolongExport a deployable Shiny app from an oolong object into a...
newsgroup_nbNaive Bayes model trained on 20 newsgroups data
print.oolong_gold_standardPrint oolong gold standard object
print.oolong_summaryPrint and plot oolong summary
revert_oolongObtain a locked oolong from a downloaded data file
summarize_oolongSummarize oolong objects
trump2kTrump's tweets dataset
update_oolongUpdate an oolong object to the latest version
oolong documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:30 p.m.