Man pages for openalexR
Getting Bibliographic Records from 'OpenAlex' Database Using 'DSL' API

authors2dfConvert OpenAlex collection of authors' records from list...
concept_abbrevConcepts and abbreviations.
concepts2dfConvert OpenAlex collection of concepts' records from list...
countrycodeIndex of Countries and their alpha-2 and aplha-3 codes.
funders2dfConvert OpenAlex collection of funders' records from list...
institutions2dfConvert OpenAlex collection of institutions' records from...
ngram2dfConvert a "Work" entity's ngram data from list to data frame
oa2bibliometrixConvert OpenAlex collection from data frame to bibliometrix...
oa2dfConvert OpenAlex collection from list to data frame
oa_apikeyGet apikey from options
oa_emailGet email from options
oa_entitiesAvailable entities in the OpenAlex database
oa_fetchFetching records
oa_generateIterating through records
oa_ngramsGet N-grams of works
oa_queryGenerate an OpenAlex query from a set of parameters
oa_randomoa_fetch but for a random query
oa_requestGet bibliographic records from OpenAlex database
oa_snowballA function to perform a snowball search and convert the...
openalexR-packageopenalexR: Getting Bibliographic Records from 'OpenAlex'...
process_topicsProcess topics
publishers2dfConvert OpenAlex collection of publishers' records from list...
show_authorsSimplify the OpenAlex authors result
show_worksSimplify the OpenAlex works result
snowball2dfFlatten snowball result
sources2dfConvert OpenAlex collection of sources' records from list...
topics2dfConvert OpenAlex collection of topics' records from list...
works2dfConvert OpenAlex collection of works from list format to data...
openalexR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:40 p.m.