Man pages for openxlsx2
Read, Write and Edit 'xlsx' Files

active_sheet-wbModify the state of active and selected sheets in a workbook
as_xmlloads character string to pugixml and returns an externalptr
base_font-wbSet the default font in a workbook
clean_worksheet_nameClean worksheet name
col2intConvert Excel column to integer
col_widths-wbModify column widths of a worksheet
comment_internalInternal comment functions
con_dimscreate consecutive dims from column and row vector
con_rngconsecutive range in vector
convert_dateConvert from Excel date, datetime or hms number to R Date...
convert_to_excel_dateconvert back to an Excel Date
convertToExcelDateConvert to Excel data
create_borderHelper to create a border
create_cell_styleHelper to create a cell style
create_colors_xmlCreate custom color xml schemes
create_commentCreate a comment
create_dxfs_styleCreate a custom formatting style
create_fillCreate fill pattern
create_fontCreate font format
create_hyperlinkCreate Excel hyperlink string
create_numfmtCreate number format
create_sparklinesCreate sparklines object
create_tablestyleCreate custom (pivot) table styles
creators-wbModify creators of a workbook
dataframe_to_dimsCreate dimensions from dataframe
delete_dataDelete data
dims_helperHelper functions to work with 'dims'
dims_to_dataframeCreate dataframe from dimensions
filter-wbAdd/remove column filters in a worksheet
fmt_txtformat strings independent of the cell style.
grouping-wbGroup rows and columns in a worksheet
int2colConvert integer to Excel column
is_dimshelper to check if a string looks like a cell
named_region-wbModify named regions in a worksheet
openxlsx2-deprecatedDeprecated functions in package _openxlsx2_
openxlsx2_optionsOptions consulted by openxlsx2
openxlsx2-packagexlsx reading, writing and editing.
person-wbHelper for adding threaded comments
pipePipe operator
print.pugi_xmlprint pugi_xml
properties-wbModify workbook properties
read_xmlread xml file
row_heights-wbModify row heights of a worksheet
sheet_names-wbGet / Set worksheet names for a workbook
sheet_visibility-wbGet/set worksheet visible state in a workbook
styles_on_sheetGet all styles on a sheet
temp_xlsxhelper function to create temporary directory for testing...
waivers'openxlsx2' waivers
wb_add_borderModify borders in a cell region of a worksheet
wb_add_cell_styleModify the style in a cell region
wb_add_chartsheetAdd a chartsheet to a workbook
wb_add_chart_xmlAdd a chart XML to a worksheet
wb_add_commentAdd comment to worksheet
wb_add_conditional_formattingAdd conditional formatting to cells in a worksheet
wb_add_dataAdd data to a worksheet
wb_add_data_tableAdd a data table to a worksheet
wb_add_data_validationAdd data validation to cells in a worksheet
wb_add_drawingAdd drawings to a worksheet
wb_add_dxfs_styleSet a dxfs styling for the workbook
wb_add_fillModify the background fill color in a cell region
wb_add_fontModify font in a cell region
wb_add_form_controlAdd a checkbox, radio button or drop menu to a cell in a...
wb_add_formulaAdd a formula to a cell range in a worksheet
wb_add_ignore_errorIgnore error types on worksheet
wb_add_imageInsert an image into a worksheet
wb_add_mipswb get and apply MIP section
wb_add_mschartAdd mschart object to a worksheet
wb_add_named_styleApply styling to a cell region with a named style
wb_add_numfmtModify number formatting in a cell region
wb_add_page_breakAdd a page break to a worksheet
wb_add_pivot_tableAdd a pivot table to a worksheet
wb_add_plotInsert the current plot into a worksheet
wb_add_slicerAdd a slicer/timeline to a pivot table
wb_add_sparklinesAdd sparklines to a worksheet
wb_add_styleSet the default style in a workbook
wb_add_threadAdd threaded comments to a cell in a worksheet
wb_add_worksheetAdd a worksheet to a workbook
wb_base_colorsSet the default colors in a workbook
wb_cell_styleApply styling to a cell region
wb_clean_sheetRemove all values in a worksheet
wb_clone_sheet_styleApply styling from a sheet to another within a workbook
wb_clone_worksheetCreate copies of a worksheet within a workbook
wb_colorHelper to create a color
wb_commentHelper to create a comment object
wb_copy_cellsCopy cells around within a worksheet
wb_dataAdd the 'wb_data' attribute to a data frame in a worksheet
wb_dimsHelper to specify the 'dims' argument
wb_freeze_paneFreeze pane of a worksheet
wb_get_tablesList Excel tables in a worksheet
wb_loadLoad an existing .xlsx, .xlsm or .xlsb file
wb_merge_cellsMerge cells within a worksheet
wb_openPreview a workbook in a spreadsheet software
wb_orderOrder worksheets in a workbook
wb_page_setupSet page margins, orientation and print scaling of a...
wb_protectProtect a workbook from modifications
wb_protect_worksheetProtect a worksheet from modifications
wb_remove_tablesRemove a data table from a worksheet
wb_remove_worksheetRemove a worksheet from a workbook
wb_saveSave a workbook to file
wb_set_bookviewSet the workbook position, size and filter
wb_set_grid_linesModify grid lines visibility in a worksheet
wb_set_header_footerSet headers and footers of a worksheet
wb_set_last_modified_byModify author in the metadata of a workbook
wb_set_sheetviewModify the default view of a worksheet
wb_to_dfCreate a data frame from a Workbook
wb_update_tableUpdate a data table position in a worksheet
wb_workbookCreate a new Workbook object
wbWorkbookWorkbook class
write_dataWrite an object to a worksheet
write_datatableWrite to a worksheet as an Excel table
write_formulaWrite a character vector as an Excel Formula
write_xlsxWrite data to an xlsx file
xl_openOpen an xlsx file or a 'wbWorkbook' object
xml_add_childappend xml child to node
xml_attr_modadds or updates attribute(s) in existing xml node
xml_node_createcreate xml_node from R objects
xml_rm_childremove xml child to node
openxlsx2 documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 1:07 a.m.