Man pages for ospsuite.utils
Utility Functions for Open Systems Pharmacology R Packages

enumDefine an enumerated list
enumGetKeyGet the key mapped to the given value in an 'enum'
enumGetValueGet enum values
enumHasKeyCheck if an enum has a certain key.
enumKeysGet all keys of an enum
enumPutAdd a new key-value pairs to an 'enum'
enumRemoveRemove an entry from the enum.
enumValuesGet the values stored in an enum
getOSPSuiteUtilsSettingGet the value of a global '{ospsuite.utils}' package setting.
hasOnlyDistinctValuesCheck that an array of values does not include any duplicate
ifNotNullShortkey checking if argument 1 is not 'NULL', output the...
isEmptyCheck if the provided object is empty
isFileExtensionCheck if the provided path has required extension
isIncludedCheck if a vector of values is included in another vector of...
isOfLengthCheck if the provided object has 'nbElements' elements
isOfTypeCheck if the provided object is of certain type
isSameLengthCheck if objects are of same length
messagesList of functions and strings used to signal error messages
op-null-defaultDefault value for 'NULL'
ospsuiteUtilsSettingNamesNames of the settings stored in 'ospsuiteEnv'. Can be used...
toListMake sure the object is a list
validateEnumValueCheck if 'value' is in the given 'enum'. If not, stops with...
validateIsIncludedCheck if values are included
validateIsNotEmptyCheck if objects is not empty
validateIsOfLengthCheck if objects have expected length
validateIsOfTypeCheck if the provided object is of certain type. If not, stop...
validateIsSameLengthCheck if all objects are of same length
validatePathIsAbsoluteCheck if path is absolute
ospsuite.utils documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:44 p.m.