Man pages for osrmr
Wrapper for the 'OSRM' API

decode_geomTransform encoded polylines to lat-lng data.frame.
encoded_string_api_4encoded_string_api_4: An encoded route to illustrate the...
encoded_string_api_5encoded_string_api_5: An encoded route to illustrate the...
make_requestRun one server request for OSRM (online- or localhost)
nearestnearest accessible position
nearest_api_v4nearest accessible position for OSRM API v4
nearest_api_v5nearest accessible position for OSRM API v5
quit_serverQuit local OSRM server
run_serverStart local OSRM server
server_addressserver_address() returns the URL address of the OSRM...
viaroutetravel time or full information of a route
viaroute_api_v4travel time or full information of a route for OSRM API 4
viaroute_api_v5travel time or full information of a route for OSRM API 5
osrmr documentation built on May 31, 2021, 5:07 p.m.