Man pages for
'Amazon Web Services' Developer Tools Services

cloud9AWS Cloud9
cloud9_create_environment_ec2Creates an Cloud9 development environment, launches an Amazon...
cloud9_create_environment_membershipAdds an environment member to an Cloud9 development...
cloud9_delete_environmentDeletes an Cloud9 development environment
cloud9_delete_environment_membershipDeletes an environment member from a development environment
cloud9_describe_environment_membershipsGets information about environment members for an Cloud9...
cloud9_describe_environmentsGets information about Cloud9 development environments
cloud9_describe_environment_statusGets status information for an Cloud9 development environment
cloud9_list_environmentsGets a list of Cloud9 development environment identifiers
cloud9_list_tags_for_resourceGets a list of the tags associated with an Cloud9 development...
cloud9_tag_resourceAdds tags to an Cloud9 development environment
cloud9_untag_resourceRemoves tags from an Cloud9 development environment
cloud9_update_environmentChanges the settings of an existing Cloud9 development...
cloud9_update_environment_membershipChanges the settings of an existing environment member for an...
cloudcontrolapiAWS Cloud Control API
cloudcontrolapi_cancel_resource_requestCancels the specified resource operation request
cloudcontrolapi_create_resourceCreates the specified resource
cloudcontrolapi_delete_resourceDeletes the specified resource
cloudcontrolapi_get_resourceReturns information about the current state of the specified...
cloudcontrolapi_get_resource_request_statusReturns the current status of a resource operation request
cloudcontrolapi_list_resource_requestsReturns existing resource operation requests
cloudcontrolapi_list_resourcesReturns information about the specified resources
cloudcontrolapi_update_resourceUpdates the specified property values in the resource
codeartifact_associate_external_connectionAdds an existing external connection to a repository
codeartifact_copy_package_versionsCopies package versions from one repository to another...
codeartifact_create_domainCreates a domain
codeartifact_create_package_groupCreates a package group
codeartifact_create_repositoryCreates a repository
codeartifact_delete_domainDeletes a domain
codeartifact_delete_domain_permissions_policyDeletes the resource policy set on a domain
codeartifact_delete_packageDeletes a package and all associated package versions
codeartifact_delete_package_groupDeletes a package group
codeartifact_delete_package_versionsDeletes one or more versions of a package
codeartifact_delete_repositoryDeletes a repository
codeartifact_delete_repository_permissions_policyDeletes the resource policy that is set on a repository
codeartifact_describe_domainReturns a DomainDescription object that contains information...
codeartifact_describe_packageReturns a PackageDescription object that contains information...
codeartifact_describe_package_groupReturns a PackageGroupDescription object that contains...
codeartifact_describe_package_versionReturns a PackageVersionDescription object that contains...
codeartifact_describe_repositoryReturns a RepositoryDescription object that contains detailed...
codeartifact_disassociate_external_connectionRemoves an existing external connection from a repository
codeartifact_dispose_package_versionsDeletes the assets in package versions and sets the package...
codeartifact_get_associated_package_groupReturns the most closely associated package group to the...
codeartifact_get_authorization_tokenGenerates a temporary authorization token for accessing...
codeartifact_get_domain_permissions_policyReturns the resource policy attached to the specified domain
codeartifact_get_package_version_assetReturns an asset (or file) that is in a package
codeartifact_get_package_version_readmeGets the readme file or descriptive text for a package...
codeartifact_get_repository_endpointReturns the endpoint of a repository for a specific package...
codeartifact_get_repository_permissions_policyReturns the resource policy that is set on a repository
codeartifact_list_allowed_repositories_for_groupLists the repositories in the added repositories list of the...
codeartifact_list_associated_packagesReturns a list of packages associated with the requested...
codeartifact_list_domainsReturns a list of DomainSummary objects for all domains owned...
codeartifact_list_package_groupsReturns a list of package groups in the requested domain
codeartifact_list_packagesReturns a list of PackageSummary objects for packages in a...
codeartifact_list_package_version_assetsReturns a list of AssetSummary objects for assets in a...
codeartifact_list_package_version_dependenciesReturns the direct dependencies for a package version
codeartifact_list_package_versionsReturns a list of PackageVersionSummary objects for package...
codeartifact_list_repositoriesReturns a list of RepositorySummary objects
codeartifact_list_repositories_in_domainReturns a list of RepositorySummary objects
codeartifact_list_sub_package_groupsReturns a list of direct children of the specified package...
codeartifact_list_tags_for_resourceGets information about Amazon Web Services tags for a...
codeartifact_publish_package_versionCreates a new package version containing one or more assets...
codeartifact_put_domain_permissions_policySets a resource policy on a domain that specifies permissions...
codeartifact_put_package_origin_configurationSets the package origin configuration for a package
codeartifact_put_repository_permissions_policySets the resource policy on a repository that specifies...
codeartifact_tag_resourceAdds or updates tags for a resource in CodeArtifact
codeartifact_untag_resourceRemoves tags from a resource in CodeArtifact
codeartifact_update_package_groupUpdates a package group
codeartifact_update_package_group_origin_configurationUpdates the package origin configuration for a package group
codeartifact_update_package_versions_statusUpdates the status of one or more versions of a package
codeartifact_update_repositoryUpdate the properties of a repository
codebuildAWS CodeBuild
codebuild_batch_delete_buildsDeletes one or more builds
codebuild_batch_get_build_batchesRetrieves information about one or more batch builds
codebuild_batch_get_buildsGets information about one or more builds
codebuild_batch_get_fleetsGets information about one or more compute fleets
codebuild_batch_get_projectsGets information about one or more build projects
codebuild_batch_get_report_groupsReturns an array of report groups
codebuild_batch_get_reportsReturns an array of reports
codebuild_create_fleetCreates a compute fleet
codebuild_create_projectCreates a build project
codebuild_create_report_groupCreates a report group
codebuild_create_webhookFor an existing CodeBuild build project that has its source...
codebuild_delete_build_batchDeletes a batch build
codebuild_delete_fleetDeletes a compute fleet
codebuild_delete_projectDeletes a build project
codebuild_delete_reportDeletes a report
codebuild_delete_report_groupDeletes a report group
codebuild_delete_resource_policyDeletes a resource policy that is identified by its resource...
codebuild_delete_source_credentialsDeletes a set of GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, or Bitbucket...
codebuild_delete_webhookFor an existing CodeBuild build project that has its source...
codebuild_describe_code_coveragesRetrieves one or more code coverage reports
codebuild_describe_test_casesReturns a list of details about test cases for a report
codebuild_get_report_group_trendAnalyzes and accumulates test report values for the specified...
codebuild_get_resource_policyGets a resource policy that is identified by its resource ARN
codebuild_import_source_credentialsImports the source repository credentials for an CodeBuild...
codebuild_invalidate_project_cacheResets the cache for a project
codebuild_list_build_batchesRetrieves the identifiers of your build batches in the...
codebuild_list_build_batches_for_projectRetrieves the identifiers of the build batches for a specific...
codebuild_list_buildsGets a list of build IDs, with each build ID representing a...
codebuild_list_builds_for_projectGets a list of build identifiers for the specified build...
codebuild_list_curated_environment_imagesGets information about Docker images that are managed by...
codebuild_list_fleetsGets a list of compute fleet names with each compute fleet...
codebuild_list_projectsGets a list of build project names, with each build project...
codebuild_list_report_groupsGets a list ARNs for the report groups in the current Amazon...
codebuild_list_reportsReturns a list of ARNs for the reports in the current Amazon...
codebuild_list_reports_for_report_groupReturns a list of ARNs for the reports that belong to a...
codebuild_list_shared_projectsGets a list of projects that are shared with other Amazon Web...
codebuild_list_shared_report_groupsGets a list of report groups that are shared with other...
codebuild_list_source_credentialsReturns a list of SourceCredentialsInfo objects
codebuild_put_resource_policyStores a resource policy for the ARN of a Project or...
codebuild_retry_buildRestarts a build
codebuild_retry_build_batchRestarts a failed batch build
codebuild_start_buildStarts running a build with the settings defined in the...
codebuild_start_build_batchStarts a batch build for a project
codebuild_stop_buildAttempts to stop running a build
codebuild_stop_build_batchStops a running batch build
codebuild_update_fleetUpdates a compute fleet
codebuild_update_projectChanges the settings of a build project
codebuild_update_project_visibilityChanges the public visibility for a project
codebuild_update_report_groupUpdates a report group
codebuild_update_webhookUpdates the webhook associated with an CodeBuild build...
codecatalystAmazon CodeCatalyst
codecatalyst_create_access_tokenCreates a personal access token (PAT) for the current user
codecatalyst_create_dev_environmentCreates a Dev Environment in Amazon CodeCatalyst, a...
codecatalyst_create_projectCreates a project in a specified space
codecatalyst_create_source_repositoryCreates an empty Git-based source repository in a specified...
codecatalyst_create_source_repository_branchCreates a branch in a specified source repository in Amazon...
codecatalyst_delete_access_tokenDeletes a specified personal access token (PAT)
codecatalyst_delete_dev_environmentDeletes a Dev Environment
codecatalyst_delete_projectDeletes a project in a space
codecatalyst_delete_source_repositoryDeletes a source repository in Amazon CodeCatalyst
codecatalyst_delete_spaceDeletes a space
codecatalyst_get_dev_environmentReturns information about a Dev Environment for a source...
codecatalyst_get_projectReturns information about a project
codecatalyst_get_source_repositoryReturns information about a source repository
codecatalyst_get_source_repository_clone_urlsReturns information about the URLs that can be used with a...
codecatalyst_get_spaceReturns information about an space
codecatalyst_get_subscriptionReturns information about the Amazon Web Services account...
codecatalyst_get_user_detailsReturns information about a user
codecatalyst_get_workflowReturns information about a workflow
codecatalyst_get_workflow_runReturns information about a specified run of a workflow
codecatalyst_list_access_tokensLists all personal access tokens (PATs) associated with the...
codecatalyst_list_dev_environmentsRetrieves a list of Dev Environments in a project
codecatalyst_list_dev_environment_sessionsRetrieves a list of active sessions for a Dev Environment in...
codecatalyst_list_event_logsRetrieves a list of events that occurred during a specific...
codecatalyst_list_projectsRetrieves a list of projects
codecatalyst_list_source_repositoriesRetrieves a list of source repositories in a project
codecatalyst_list_source_repository_branchesRetrieves a list of branches in a specified source repository
codecatalyst_list_spacesRetrieves a list of spaces
codecatalyst_list_workflow_runsRetrieves a list of workflow runs of a specified workflow
codecatalyst_list_workflowsRetrieves a list of workflows in a specified project
codecatalyst_start_dev_environmentStarts a specified Dev Environment and puts it into an active...
codecatalyst_start_dev_environment_sessionStarts a session for a specified Dev Environment
codecatalyst_start_workflow_runBegins a run of a specified workflow
codecatalyst_stop_dev_environmentPauses a specified Dev Environment and places it in a...
codecatalyst_stop_dev_environment_sessionStops a session for a specified Dev Environment
codecatalyst_update_dev_environmentChanges one or more values for a Dev Environment
codecatalyst_update_projectChanges one or more values for a project
codecatalyst_update_spaceChanges one or more values for a space
codecatalyst_verify_sessionVerifies whether the calling user has a valid Amazon...
codecommitAWS CodeCommit
codecommit_associate_approval_rule_template_with_repositoryCreates an association between an approval rule template and...
codecommit_batch_associ_approv_rule_templa_with_reposiCreates an association between an approval rule template and...
codecommit_batch_describe_merge_conflictsReturns information about one or more merge conflicts in the...
codecommit_batch_disass_approv_rule_templa_from_reposiRemoves the association between an approval rule template and...
codecommit_batch_get_commitsReturns information about the contents of one or more commits...
codecommit_batch_get_repositoriesReturns information about one or more repositories
codecommit_create_approval_rule_templateCreates a template for approval rules that can then be...
codecommit_create_branchCreates a branch in a repository and points the branch to a...
codecommit_create_commitCreates a commit for a repository on the tip of a specified...
codecommit_create_pull_requestCreates a pull request in the specified repository
codecommit_create_pull_request_approval_ruleCreates an approval rule for a pull request
codecommit_create_repositoryCreates a new, empty repository
codecommit_create_unreferenced_merge_commitCreates an unreferenced commit that represents the result of...
codecommit_delete_approval_rule_templateDeletes a specified approval rule template
codecommit_delete_branchDeletes a branch from a repository, unless that branch is the...
codecommit_delete_comment_contentDeletes the content of a comment made on a change, file, or...
codecommit_delete_fileDeletes a specified file from a specified branch
codecommit_delete_pull_request_approval_ruleDeletes an approval rule from a specified pull request
codecommit_delete_repositoryDeletes a repository
codecommit_describe_merge_conflictsReturns information about one or more merge conflicts in the...
codecommit_describe_pull_request_eventsReturns information about one or more pull request events
codecommit_disass_approv_rule_templa_from_reposiRemoves the association between a template and a repository...
codecommit_evaluate_pull_request_approval_rulesEvaluates whether a pull request has met all the conditions...
codecommit_get_approval_rule_templateReturns information about a specified approval rule template
codecommit_get_blobReturns the base-64 encoded content of an individual blob in...
codecommit_get_branchReturns information about a repository branch, including its...
codecommit_get_commentReturns the content of a comment made on a change, file, or...
codecommit_get_comment_reactionsReturns information about reactions to a specified comment ID
codecommit_get_comments_for_compared_commitReturns information about comments made on the comparison...
codecommit_get_comments_for_pull_requestReturns comments made on a pull request
codecommit_get_commitReturns information about a commit, including commit message...
codecommit_get_differencesReturns information about the differences in a valid commit...
codecommit_get_fileReturns the base-64 encoded contents of a specified file and...
codecommit_get_folderReturns the contents of a specified folder in a repository
codecommit_get_merge_commitReturns information about a specified merge commit
codecommit_get_merge_conflictsReturns information about merge conflicts between the before...
codecommit_get_merge_optionsReturns information about the merge options available for...
codecommit_get_pull_requestGets information about a pull request in a specified...
codecommit_get_pull_request_approval_statesGets information about the approval states for a specified...
codecommit_get_pull_request_override_stateReturns information about whether approval rules have been...
codecommit_get_repositoryReturns information about a repository
codecommit_get_repository_triggersGets information about triggers configured for a repository
codecommit_list_approval_rule_templatesLists all approval rule templates in the specified Amazon Web...
codecommit_list_associ_approv_rule_templa_for_reposiLists all approval rule templates that are associated with a...
codecommit_list_branchesGets information about one or more branches in a repository
codecommit_list_file_commit_historyRetrieves a list of commits and changes to a specified file
codecommit_list_pull_requestsReturns a list of pull requests for a specified repository
codecommit_list_repositoriesGets information about one or more repositories
codecommit_list_repositories_for_approval_rule_templateLists all repositories associated with the specified approval...
codecommit_list_tags_for_resourceGets information about Amazon Web Servicestags for a...
codecommit_merge_branches_by_fast_forwardMerges two branches using the fast-forward merge strategy
codecommit_merge_branches_by_squashMerges two branches using the squash merge strategy
codecommit_merge_branches_by_three_wayMerges two specified branches using the three-way merge...
codecommit_merge_pull_request_by_fast_forwardAttempts to merge the source commit of a pull request into...
codecommit_merge_pull_request_by_squashAttempts to merge the source commit of a pull request into...
codecommit_merge_pull_request_by_three_wayAttempts to merge the source commit of a pull request into...
codecommit_override_pull_request_approval_rulesSets aside (overrides) all approval rule requirements for a...
codecommit_post_comment_for_compared_commitPosts a comment on the comparison between two commits
codecommit_post_comment_for_pull_requestPosts a comment on a pull request
codecommit_post_comment_replyPosts a comment in reply to an existing comment on a...
codecommit_put_comment_reactionAdds or updates a reaction to a specified comment for the...
codecommit_put_fileAdds or updates a file in a branch in an CodeCommit...
codecommit_put_repository_triggersReplaces all triggers for a repository
codecommit_tag_resourceAdds or updates tags for a resource in CodeCommit
codecommit_test_repository_triggersTests the functionality of repository triggers by sending...
codecommit_untag_resourceRemoves tags for a resource in CodeCommit
codecommit_update_approval_rule_template_contentUpdates the content of an approval rule template
codecommit_update_approval_rule_template_descriptionUpdates the description for a specified approval rule...
codecommit_update_approval_rule_template_nameUpdates the name of a specified approval rule template
codecommit_update_commentReplaces the contents of a comment
codecommit_update_default_branchSets or changes the default branch name for the specified...
codecommit_update_pull_request_approval_rule_contentUpdates the structure of an approval rule created...
codecommit_update_pull_request_approval_stateUpdates the state of a user's approval on a pull request
codecommit_update_pull_request_descriptionReplaces the contents of the description of a pull request
codecommit_update_pull_request_statusUpdates the status of a pull request
codecommit_update_pull_request_titleReplaces the title of a pull request
codecommit_update_repository_descriptionSets or changes the comment or description for a repository
codecommit_update_repository_encryption_keyUpdates the Key Management Service encryption key used to...
codecommit_update_repository_nameRenames a repository
codedeployAWS CodeDeploy
codedeploy_add_tags_to_on_premises_instancesAdds tags to on-premises instances
codedeploy_batch_get_application_revisionsGets information about one or more application revisions
codedeploy_batch_get_applicationsGets information about one or more applications
codedeploy_batch_get_deployment_groupsGets information about one or more deployment groups
codedeploy_batch_get_deployment_instancesThis method works, but is deprecated
codedeploy_batch_get_deploymentsGets information about one or more deployments
codedeploy_batch_get_deployment_targetsReturns an array of one or more targets associated with a...
codedeploy_batch_get_on_premises_instancesGets information about one or more on-premises instances
codedeploy_continue_deploymentFor a blue/green deployment, starts the process of rerouting...
codedeploy_create_applicationCreates an application
codedeploy_create_deploymentDeploys an application revision through the specified...
codedeploy_create_deployment_configCreates a deployment configuration
codedeploy_create_deployment_groupCreates a deployment group to which application revisions are...
codedeploy_delete_applicationDeletes an application
codedeploy_delete_deployment_configDeletes a deployment configuration
codedeploy_delete_deployment_groupDeletes a deployment group
codedeploy_delete_git_hub_account_tokenDeletes a GitHub account connection
codedeploy_delete_resources_by_external_idDeletes resources linked to an external ID
codedeploy_deregister_on_premises_instanceDeregisters an on-premises instance
codedeploy_get_applicationGets information about an application
codedeploy_get_application_revisionGets information about an application revision
codedeploy_get_deploymentGets information about a deployment
codedeploy_get_deployment_configGets information about a deployment configuration
codedeploy_get_deployment_groupGets information about a deployment group
codedeploy_get_deployment_instanceGets information about an instance as part of a deployment
codedeploy_get_deployment_targetReturns information about a deployment target
codedeploy_get_on_premises_instanceGets information about an on-premises instance
codedeploy_list_application_revisionsLists information about revisions for an application
codedeploy_list_applicationsLists the applications registered with the user or Amazon Web...
codedeploy_list_deployment_configsLists the deployment configurations with the user or Amazon...
codedeploy_list_deployment_groupsLists the deployment groups for an application registered...
codedeploy_list_deployment_instancesThe newer BatchGetDeploymentTargets should be used instead...
codedeploy_list_deploymentsLists the deployments in a deployment group for an...
codedeploy_list_deployment_targetsReturns an array of target IDs that are associated a...
codedeploy_list_git_hub_account_token_namesLists the names of stored connections to GitHub accounts
codedeploy_list_on_premises_instancesGets a list of names for one or more on-premises instances
codedeploy_list_tags_for_resourceReturns a list of tags for the resource identified by a...
codedeploy_put_lifecycle_event_hook_execution_statusSets the result of a Lambda validation function
codedeploy_register_application_revisionRegisters with CodeDeploy a revision for the specified...
codedeploy_register_on_premises_instanceRegisters an on-premises instance
codedeploy_remove_tags_from_on_premises_instancesRemoves one or more tags from one or more on-premises...
codedeploy_skip_wait_time_for_instance_terminationIn a blue/green deployment, overrides any specified wait time...
codedeploy_stop_deploymentAttempts to stop an ongoing deployment
codedeploy_tag_resourceAssociates the list of tags in the input Tags parameter with...
codedeploy_untag_resourceDisassociates a resource from a list of tags
codedeploy_update_applicationChanges the name of an application
codedeploy_update_deployment_groupChanges information about a deployment group
codeguruprofilerAmazon CodeGuru Profiler
codeguruprofiler_add_notification_channelsAdd up to 2 anomaly notifications channels for a profiling...
codeguruprofiler_batch_get_frame_metric_dataReturns the time series of values for a requested list of...
codeguruprofiler_configure_agentUsed by profiler agents to report their current state and to...
codeguruprofiler_create_profiling_groupCreates a profiling group
codeguruprofiler_delete_profiling_groupDeletes a profiling group
codeguruprofiler_describe_profiling_groupReturns a ProfilingGroupDescription object that contains...
codeguruprofiler_get_findings_report_account_summaryReturns a list of FindingsReportSummary objects that contain...
codeguruprofiler_get_notification_configurationGet the current configuration for anomaly notifications for a...
codeguruprofiler_get_policyReturns the JSON-formatted resource-based policy on a...
codeguruprofiler_get_profileGets the aggregated profile of a profiling group for a...
codeguruprofiler_get_recommendationsReturns a list of Recommendation objects that contain...
codeguruprofiler_list_findings_reportsList the available reports for a given profiling group and...
codeguruprofiler_list_profile_timesLists the start times of the available aggregated profiles of...
codeguruprofiler_list_profiling_groupsReturns a list of profiling groups
codeguruprofiler_list_tags_for_resourceReturns a list of the tags that are assigned to a specified...
codeguruprofiler_post_agent_profileSubmits profiling data to an aggregated profile of a...
codeguruprofiler_put_permissionAdds permissions to a profiling group's resource-based policy...
codeguruprofiler_remove_notification_channelRemove one anomaly notifications channel for a profiling...
codeguruprofiler_remove_permissionRemoves permissions from a profiling group's resource-based...
codeguruprofiler_submit_feedbackSends feedback to CodeGuru Profiler about whether the anomaly...
codeguruprofiler_tag_resourceUse to assign one or more tags to a resource
codeguruprofiler_untag_resourceUse to remove one or more tags from a resource
codeguruprofiler_update_profiling_groupUpdates a profiling group
codegurureviewerAmazon CodeGuru Reviewer
codegurureviewer_associate_repositoryUse to associate an Amazon Web Services CodeCommit repository...
codegurureviewer_create_code_reviewUse to create a code review with a CodeReviewType of...
codegurureviewer_describe_code_reviewReturns the metadata associated with the code review along...
codegurureviewer_describe_recommendation_feedbackDescribes the customer feedback for a CodeGuru Reviewer...
codegurureviewer_describe_repository_associationReturns a RepositoryAssociation object that contains...
codegurureviewer_disassociate_repositoryRemoves the association between Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer and...
codegurureviewer_list_code_reviewsLists all the code reviews that the customer has created in...
codegurureviewer_list_recommendation_feedbackReturns a list of RecommendationFeedbackSummary objects that...
codegurureviewer_list_recommendationsReturns the list of all recommendations for a completed code...
codegurureviewer_list_repository_associationsReturns a list of RepositoryAssociationSummary objects that...
codegurureviewer_list_tags_for_resourceReturns the list of tags associated with an associated...
codegurureviewer_put_recommendation_feedbackStores customer feedback for a CodeGuru Reviewer...
codegurureviewer_tag_resourceAdds one or more tags to an associated repository
codegurureviewer_untag_resourceRemoves a tag from an associated repository
codegurusecurityAmazon CodeGuru Security
codegurusecurity_batch_get_findingsReturns a list of requested findings from standard scans
codegurusecurity_create_scanUse to create a scan using code uploaded to an Amazon S3...
codegurusecurity_create_upload_urlGenerates a pre-signed URL, request headers used to upload a...
codegurusecurity_get_account_configurationUse to get the encryption configuration for an account
codegurusecurity_get_findingsReturns a list of all findings generated by a particular scan
codegurusecurity_get_metrics_summaryReturns a summary of metrics for an account from a specified...
codegurusecurity_get_scanReturns details about a scan, including whether or not a scan...
codegurusecurity_list_findings_metricsReturns metrics about all findings in an account within a...
codegurusecurity_list_scansReturns a list of all scans in an account
codegurusecurity_list_tags_for_resourceReturns a list of all tags associated with a scan
codegurusecurity_tag_resourceUse to add one or more tags to an existing scan
codegurusecurity_untag_resourceUse to remove one or more tags from an existing scan
codegurusecurity_update_account_configurationUse to update the encryption configuration for an account
codepipelineAWS CodePipeline
codepipeline_acknowledge_jobReturns information about a specified job and whether that...
codepipeline_acknowledge_third_party_jobConfirms a job worker has received the specified job
codepipeline_create_custom_action_typeCreates a new custom action that can be used in all pipelines...
codepipeline_create_pipelineCreates a pipeline
codepipeline_delete_custom_action_typeMarks a custom action as deleted
codepipeline_delete_pipelineDeletes the specified pipeline
codepipeline_delete_webhookDeletes a previously created webhook by name
codepipeline_deregister_webhook_with_third_partyRemoves the connection between the webhook that was created...
codepipeline_disable_stage_transitionPrevents artifacts in a pipeline from transitioning to the...
codepipeline_enable_stage_transitionEnables artifacts in a pipeline to transition to a stage in a...
codepipeline_get_action_typeReturns information about an action type created for an...
codepipeline_get_job_detailsReturns information about a job
codepipeline_get_pipelineReturns the metadata, structure, stages, and actions of a...
codepipeline_get_pipeline_executionReturns information about an execution of a pipeline,...
codepipeline_get_pipeline_stateReturns information about the state of a pipeline, including...
codepipeline_get_third_party_job_detailsRequests the details of a job for a third party action
codepipeline_list_action_executionsLists the action executions that have occurred in a pipeline
codepipeline_list_action_typesGets a summary of all CodePipeline action types associated...
codepipeline_list_pipeline_executionsGets a summary of the most recent executions for a pipeline
codepipeline_list_pipelinesGets a summary of all of the pipelines associated with your...
codepipeline_list_rule_executionsLists the rule executions that have occurred in a pipeline...
codepipeline_list_rule_typesLists the rules for the condition
codepipeline_list_tags_for_resourceGets the set of key-value pairs (metadata) that are used to...
codepipeline_list_webhooksGets a listing of all the webhooks in this Amazon Web...
codepipeline_override_stage_conditionUsed to override a stage condition
codepipeline_poll_for_jobsReturns information about any jobs for CodePipeline to act on
codepipeline_poll_for_third_party_jobsDetermines whether there are any third party jobs for a job...
codepipeline_put_action_revisionProvides information to CodePipeline about new revisions to a...
codepipeline_put_approval_resultProvides the response to a manual approval request to...
codepipeline_put_job_failure_resultRepresents the failure of a job as returned to the pipeline...
codepipeline_put_job_success_resultRepresents the success of a job as returned to the pipeline...
codepipeline_put_third_party_job_failure_resultRepresents the failure of a third party job as returned to...
codepipeline_put_third_party_job_success_resultRepresents the success of a third party job as returned to...
codepipeline_put_webhookDefines a webhook and returns a unique webhook URL generated...
codepipeline_register_webhook_with_third_partyConfigures a connection between the webhook that was created...
codepipeline_retry_stage_executionYou can retry a stage that has failed without having to run a...
codepipeline_rollback_stageRolls back a stage execution
codepipeline_start_pipeline_executionStarts the specified pipeline
codepipeline_stop_pipeline_executionStops the specified pipeline execution
codepipeline_tag_resourceAdds to or modifies the tags of the given resource
codepipeline_untag_resourceRemoves tags from an Amazon Web Services resource
codepipeline_update_action_typeUpdates an action type that was created with any supported...
codepipeline_update_pipelineUpdates a specified pipeline with edits or changes to its...
codestarconnectionsAWS CodeStar connections
codestarconnections_create_connectionCreates a connection that can then be given to other Amazon...
codestarconnections_create_hostCreates a resource that represents the infrastructure where a...
codestarconnections_create_repository_linkCreates a link to a specified external Git repository
codestarconnections_create_sync_configurationCreates a sync configuration which allows Amazon Web Services...
codestarconnections_delete_connectionThe connection to be deleted
codestarconnections_delete_hostThe host to be deleted
codestarconnections_delete_repository_linkDeletes the association between your connection and a...
codestarconnections_delete_sync_configurationDeletes the sync configuration for a specified repository and...
codestarconnections_get_connectionReturns the connection ARN and details such as status, owner,...
codestarconnections_get_hostReturns the host ARN and details such as status, provider...
codestarconnections_get_repository_linkReturns details about a repository link
codestarconnections_get_repository_sync_statusReturns details about the sync status for a repository
codestarconnections_get_resource_sync_statusReturns the status of the sync with the Git repository for a...
codestarconnections_get_sync_blocker_summaryReturns a list of the most recent sync blockers
codestarconnections_get_sync_configurationReturns details about a sync configuration, including the...
codestarconnections_list_connectionsLists the connections associated with your account
codestarconnections_list_hostsLists the hosts associated with your account
codestarconnections_list_repository_linksLists the repository links created for connections in your...
codestarconnections_list_repository_sync_definitionsLists the repository sync definitions for repository links in...
codestarconnections_list_sync_configurationsReturns a list of sync configurations for a specified...
codestarconnections_list_tags_for_resourceGets the set of key-value pairs (metadata) that are used to...
codestarconnections_tag_resourceAdds to or modifies the tags of the given resource
codestarconnections_untag_resourceRemoves tags from an Amazon Web Services resource
codestarconnections_update_hostUpdates a specified host with the provided configurations
codestarconnections_update_repository_linkUpdates the association between your connection and a...
codestarconnections_update_sync_blockerAllows you to update the status of a sync blocker, resolving...
codestarconnections_update_sync_configurationUpdates the sync configuration for your connection and a...
codestarnotificationsAWS CodeStar Notifications
codestarnotifications_create_notification_ruleCreates a notification rule for a resource
codestarnotifications_delete_notification_ruleDeletes a notification rule for a resource
codestarnotifications_delete_targetDeletes a specified target for notifications
codestarnotifications_describe_notification_ruleReturns information about a specified notification rule
codestarnotifications_list_event_typesReturns information about the event types available for...
codestarnotifications_list_notification_rulesReturns a list of the notification rules for an Amazon Web...
codestarnotifications_list_tags_for_resourceReturns a list of the tags associated with a notification...
codestarnotifications_list_targetsReturns a list of the notification rule targets for an Amazon...
codestarnotifications_subscribeCreates an association between a notification rule and an...
codestarnotifications_tag_resourceAssociates a set of provided tags with a notification rule
codestarnotifications_unsubscribeRemoves an association between a notification rule and an...
codestarnotifications_untag_resourceRemoves the association between one or more provided tags and...
codestarnotifications_update_notification_ruleUpdates a notification rule for a resource
devopsguruAmazon DevOps Guru
devopsguru_add_notification_channelAdds a notification channel to DevOps Guru
devopsguru_delete_insightDeletes the insight along with the associated anomalies,...
devopsguru_describe_account_healthReturns the number of open reactive insights, the number of...
devopsguru_describe_account_overviewFor the time range passed in, returns the number of open...
devopsguru_describe_anomalyReturns details about an anomaly that you specify using its...
devopsguru_describe_event_sources_configReturns the integration status of services that are...
devopsguru_describe_feedbackReturns the most recent feedback submitted in the current...
devopsguru_describe_insightReturns details about an insight that you specify using its...
devopsguru_describe_organization_healthReturns active insights, predictive insights, and resource...
devopsguru_describe_organization_overviewReturns an overview of your organization's history based on...
devopsguru_describe_organization_resource_collection_healthProvides an overview of your system's health
devopsguru_describe_resource_collection_healthReturns the number of open proactive insights, open reactive...
devopsguru_describe_service_integrationReturns the integration status of services that are...
devopsguru_get_cost_estimationReturns an estimate of the monthly cost for DevOps Guru to...
devopsguru_get_resource_collectionReturns lists Amazon Web Services resources that are of the...
devopsguru_list_anomalies_for_insightReturns a list of the anomalies that belong to an insight...
devopsguru_list_anomalous_log_groupsReturns the list of log groups that contain log anomalies
devopsguru_list_eventsReturns a list of the events emitted by the resources that...
devopsguru_list_insightsReturns a list of insights in your Amazon Web Services...
devopsguru_list_monitored_resourcesReturns the list of all log groups that are being monitored...
devopsguru_list_notification_channelsReturns a list of notification channels configured for DevOps...
devopsguru_list_organization_insightsReturns a list of insights associated with the account or OU...
devopsguru_list_recommendationsReturns a list of a specified insight's recommendations
devopsguru_put_feedbackCollects customer feedback about the specified insight
devopsguru_remove_notification_channelRemoves a notification channel from DevOps Guru
devopsguru_search_insightsReturns a list of insights in your Amazon Web Services...
devopsguru_search_organization_insightsReturns a list of insights in your organization
devopsguru_start_cost_estimationStarts the creation of an estimate of the monthly cost to...
devopsguru_update_event_sources_configEnables or disables integration with a service that can be...
devopsguru_update_resource_collectionUpdates the collection of resources that DevOps Guru analyzes
devopsguru_update_service_integrationEnables or disables integration with a service that can be...
drsElastic Disaster Recovery Service
drs_associate_source_network_stackAssociate a Source Network to an existing CloudFormation...
drs_create_extended_source_serverCreate an extended source server in the target Account based...
drs_create_launch_configuration_templateCreates a new Launch Configuration Template
drs_create_replication_configuration_templateCreates a new ReplicationConfigurationTemplate
drs_create_source_networkCreate a new Source Network resource for a provided VPC ID
drs_delete_jobDeletes a single Job by ID
drs_delete_launch_actionDeletes a resource launch action
drs_delete_launch_configuration_templateDeletes a single Launch Configuration Template by ID
drs_delete_recovery_instanceDeletes a single Recovery Instance by ID
drs_delete_replication_configuration_templateDeletes a single Replication Configuration Template by ID
drs_delete_source_networkDelete Source Network resource
drs_delete_source_serverDeletes a single Source Server by ID
drs_describe_job_log_itemsRetrieves a detailed Job log with pagination
drs_describe_jobsReturns a list of Jobs
drs_describe_launch_configuration_templatesLists all Launch Configuration Templates, filtered by Launch...
drs_describe_recovery_instancesLists all Recovery Instances or multiple Recovery Instances...
drs_describe_recovery_snapshotsLists all Recovery Snapshots for a single Source Server
drs_describe_replication_configuration_templatesLists all ReplicationConfigurationTemplates, filtered by...
drs_describe_source_networksLists all Source Networks or multiple Source Networks...
drs_describe_source_serversLists all Source Servers or multiple Source Servers filtered...
drs_disconnect_recovery_instanceDisconnect a Recovery Instance from Elastic Disaster Recovery
drs_disconnect_source_serverDisconnects a specific Source Server from Elastic Disaster...
drs_export_source_network_cfn_templateExport the Source Network CloudFormation template to an S3...
drs_get_failback_replication_configurationLists all Failback ReplicationConfigurations, filtered by...
drs_get_launch_configurationGets a LaunchConfiguration, filtered by Source Server IDs
drs_get_replication_configurationGets a ReplicationConfiguration, filtered by Source Server ID
drs_initialize_serviceInitialize Elastic Disaster Recovery
drs_list_extensible_source_serversReturns a list of source servers on a staging account that...
drs_list_launch_actionsLists resource launch actions
drs_list_staging_accountsReturns an array of staging accounts for existing extended...
drs_list_tags_for_resourceList all tags for your Elastic Disaster Recovery resources
drs_put_launch_actionPuts a resource launch action
drs_retry_data_replicationWARNING: RetryDataReplication is deprecated
drs_reverse_replicationStart replication to origin / target region - applies only to...
drs_start_failback_launchInitiates a Job for launching the machine that is being...
drs_start_recoveryLaunches Recovery Instances for the specified Source Servers
drs_start_replicationStarts replication for a stopped Source Server
drs_start_source_network_recoveryDeploy VPC for the specified Source Network and modify launch...
drs_start_source_network_replicationStarts replication for a Source Network
drs_stop_failbackStops the failback process for a specified Recovery Instance
drs_stop_replicationStops replication for a Source Server
drs_stop_source_network_replicationStops replication for a Source Network
drs_tag_resourceAdds or overwrites only the specified tags for the specified...
drs_terminate_recovery_instancesInitiates a Job for terminating the EC2 resources associated...
drs_untag_resourceDeletes the specified set of tags from the specified set of...
drs_update_failback_replication_configurationAllows you to update the failback replication configuration...
drs_update_launch_configurationUpdates a LaunchConfiguration by Source Server ID
drs_update_launch_configuration_templateUpdates an existing Launch Configuration Template by ID
drs_update_replication_configurationAllows you to update a ReplicationConfiguration by Source...
drs_update_replication_configuration_templateUpdates a ReplicationConfigurationTemplate by ID
fisAWS Fault Injection Simulator
fis_create_experiment_templateCreates an experiment template
fis_create_target_account_configurationCreates a target account configuration for the experiment...
fis_delete_experiment_templateDeletes the specified experiment template
fis_delete_target_account_configurationDeletes the specified target account configuration of the...
fis_get_actionGets information about the specified FIS action
fis_get_experimentGets information about the specified experiment
fis_get_experiment_target_account_configurationGets information about the specified target account...
fis_get_experiment_templateGets information about the specified experiment template
fis_get_target_account_configurationGets information about the specified target account...
fis_get_target_resource_typeGets information about the specified resource type
fis_list_actionsLists the available FIS actions
fis_list_experiment_resolved_targetsLists the resolved targets information of the specified...
fis_list_experimentsLists your experiments
fis_list_experiment_target_account_configurationsLists the target account configurations of the specified...
fis_list_experiment_templatesLists your experiment templates
fis_list_tags_for_resourceLists the tags for the specified resource
fis_list_target_account_configurationsLists the target account configurations of the specified...
fis_list_target_resource_typesLists the target resource types
fis_start_experimentStarts running an experiment from the specified experiment...
fis_stop_experimentStops the specified experiment
fis_tag_resourceApplies the specified tags to the specified resource
fis_untag_resourceRemoves the specified tags from the specified resource
fis_update_experiment_templateUpdates the specified experiment template
fis_update_target_account_configurationUpdates the target account configuration for the specified...
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
wellarchitectedAWS Well-Architected Tool
wellarchitected_associate_lensesAssociate a lens to a workload
wellarchitected_associate_profilesAssociate a profile with a workload
wellarchitected_create_lens_shareCreate a lens share
wellarchitected_create_lens_versionCreate a new lens version
wellarchitected_create_milestoneCreate a milestone for an existing workload
wellarchitected_create_profileCreate a profile
wellarchitected_create_profile_shareCreate a profile share
wellarchitected_create_review_templateCreate a review template
wellarchitected_create_template_shareCreate a review template share
wellarchitected_create_workloadCreate a new workload
wellarchitected_create_workload_shareCreate a workload share
wellarchitected_delete_lensDelete an existing lens
wellarchitected_delete_lens_shareDelete a lens share
wellarchitected_delete_profileDelete a profile
wellarchitected_delete_profile_shareDelete a profile share
wellarchitected_delete_review_templateDelete a review template
wellarchitected_delete_template_shareDelete a review template share
wellarchitected_delete_workloadDelete an existing workload
wellarchitected_delete_workload_shareDelete a workload share
wellarchitected_disassociate_lensesDisassociate a lens from a workload
wellarchitected_disassociate_profilesDisassociate a profile from a workload
wellarchitected_export_lensExport an existing lens
wellarchitected_get_answerGet the answer to a specific question in a workload review
wellarchitected_get_consolidated_reportGet a consolidated report of your workloads
wellarchitected_get_global_settingsGlobal settings for all workloads
wellarchitected_get_lensGet an existing lens
wellarchitected_get_lens_reviewGet lens review
wellarchitected_get_lens_review_reportGet lens review report
wellarchitected_get_lens_version_differenceGet lens version differences
wellarchitected_get_milestoneGet a milestone for an existing workload
wellarchitected_get_profileGet profile information
wellarchitected_get_profile_templateGet profile template
wellarchitected_get_review_templateGet review template
wellarchitected_get_review_template_answerGet review template answer
wellarchitected_get_review_template_lens_reviewGet a lens review associated with a review template
wellarchitected_get_workloadGet an existing workload
wellarchitected_import_lensImport a new custom lens or update an existing custom lens
wellarchitected_list_answersList of answers for a particular workload and lens
wellarchitected_list_check_detailsList of Trusted Advisor check details by account related to...
wellarchitected_list_check_summariesList of Trusted Advisor checks summarized for all accounts...
wellarchitected_list_lensesList the available lenses
wellarchitected_list_lens_review_improvementsList the improvements of a particular lens review
wellarchitected_list_lens_reviewsList lens reviews for a particular workload
wellarchitected_list_lens_sharesList the lens shares associated with the lens
wellarchitected_list_milestonesList all milestones for an existing workload
wellarchitected_list_notificationsList lens notifications
wellarchitected_list_profile_notificationsList profile notifications
wellarchitected_list_profilesList profiles
wellarchitected_list_profile_sharesList profile shares
wellarchitected_list_review_template_answersList the answers of a review template
wellarchitected_list_review_templatesList review templates
wellarchitected_list_share_invitationsList the share invitations
wellarchitected_list_tags_for_resourceList the tags for a resource
wellarchitected_list_template_sharesList review template shares
wellarchitected_list_workloadsPaginated list of workloads
wellarchitected_list_workload_sharesList the workload shares associated with the workload
wellarchitected_tag_resourceAdds one or more tags to the specified resource
wellarchitected_untag_resourceDeletes specified tags from a resource
wellarchitected_update_answerUpdate the answer to a specific question in a workload review
wellarchitected_update_global_settingsUpdate whether the Amazon Web Services account is opted into...
wellarchitected_update_integrationUpdate integration features
wellarchitected_update_lens_reviewUpdate lens review for a particular workload
wellarchitected_update_profileUpdate a profile
wellarchitected_update_review_templateUpdate a review template
wellarchitected_update_review_template_answerUpdate a review template answer
wellarchitected_update_review_template_lens_reviewUpdate a lens review associated with a review template
wellarchitected_update_share_invitationUpdate a workload or custom lens share invitation
wellarchitected_update_workloadUpdate an existing workload
wellarchitected_update_workload_shareUpdate a workload share
wellarchitected_upgrade_lens_reviewUpgrade lens review for a particular workload
wellarchitected_upgrade_profile_versionUpgrade a profile
wellarchitected_upgrade_review_template_lens_reviewUpgrade the lens review of a review template
xrayAWS X-Ray
xray_batch_get_tracesRetrieves a list of traces specified by ID
xray_create_groupCreates a group resource with a name and a filter expression
xray_create_sampling_ruleCreates a rule to control sampling behavior for instrumented...
xray_delete_groupDeletes a group resource
xray_delete_resource_policyDeletes a resource policy from the target Amazon Web Services...
xray_delete_sampling_ruleDeletes a sampling rule
xray_get_encryption_configRetrieves the current encryption configuration for X-Ray data
xray_get_groupRetrieves group resource details
xray_get_groupsRetrieves all active group details
xray_get_insightRetrieves the summary information of an insight
xray_get_insight_eventsX-Ray reevaluates insights periodically until they're...
xray_get_insight_impact_graphRetrieves a service graph structure filtered by the specified...
xray_get_insight_summariesRetrieves the summaries of all insights in the specified...
xray_get_sampling_rulesRetrieves all sampling rules
xray_get_sampling_statistic_summariesRetrieves information about recent sampling results for all...
xray_get_sampling_targetsRequests a sampling quota for rules that the service is using...
xray_get_service_graphRetrieves a document that describes services that process...
xray_get_time_series_service_statisticsGet an aggregation of service statistics defined by a...
xray_get_trace_graphRetrieves a service graph for one or more specific trace IDs
xray_get_trace_summariesRetrieves IDs and annotations for traces available for a...
xray_list_resource_policiesReturns the list of resource policies in the target Amazon...
xray_list_tags_for_resourceReturns a list of tags that are applied to the specified...
xray_put_encryption_configUpdates the encryption configuration for X-Ray data
xray_put_resource_policySets the resource policy to grant one or more Amazon Web...
xray_put_telemetry_recordsUsed by the Amazon Web Services X-Ray daemon to upload...
xray_put_trace_segmentsUploads segment documents to Amazon Web Services X-Ray
xray_tag_resourceApplies tags to an existing Amazon Web Services X-Ray group...
xray_untag_resourceRemoves tags from an Amazon Web Services X-Ray group or...
xray_update_groupUpdates a group resource
xray_update_sampling_ruleModifies a sampling rule's configuration documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 6:46 a.m.