Man pages for pda
Privacy-Preserving Distributed Algorithms

ADAP_dataADAP simulated data
ADAP.deriveADAP derivatives
ADAP.estimateADAP surrogate estimation
ADAP.initializeADAP initialize
covidCOVID-19 LOS and mortality data
csCrabSatellites data
dGEM.derivedGEM hospital-specific effect derivation
dGEM.estimatedGEM standardized event rate estimation
dGEM.initializedGEM initialize
dGEM.synthesizePDA dGEM synthesize
DLM.estimatePDA DLM estimation
DLM.initializeDLM initialize
DPQL.deriveDPQL derive
DPQL.estimatePDA DPQL estimation
DPQL.initializeDPQL initialize
getCloudConfiggather cloud settings into a list
LOSLength of Stay data
lung2Lung cancer survival time data
myglmmPQLA flexible version of MASS::glmmPQL
ODACAT.deriveODACAT derivatives
ODACAT.estimatePDA surrogate estimation
ODACATH.deriveODACATH derivatives
ODACATH.estimatePDA surrogate estimation
ODACATH.initializeODACATH initialize
ODACATH.synthesizePDA synthesize surrogate estimates from all sites, optional
ODACAT.initializeODACAT initialize
ODACAT_nominalODACAT simulated data
ODACAT_ordinalODACAT simulated data
ODACAT.synthesizePDA synthesize surrogate estimates from all sites, optional
ODAC.deriveGenerate pda UWZ derivatives
ODAC.deriveUWZGenerate pda UWZ summary statistics before calculating...
ODAC.estimatePDA surrogate estimation
ODAC.initializeODAC initialize
ODAC.synthesizePDA synthesize surrogate estimates from all sites, optional
ODAH.deriveODAH derivatives
ODAH.estimatePDA surrogate estimation
ODAH.initializeODAH initialize
ODAL.deriveODAL derivatives
ODAL.estimatePDA surrogate estimation
ODAL.initializeODAL initialize
ODAL.synthesizePDA synthesize surrogate estimates from all sites, optional
ODAPB.deriveODAPB derivatives
ODAPB.estimatePDA surrogate estimation
ODAPB.initializeODAPB initialize
ODAP.deriveODAP derivatives
ODAP.estimatePDA surrogate estimation
ODAP.initializeODAP initialize
pdaPDA: Privacy-preserving Distributed Algorithm
pdaGetFunction to download json and return as object
pdaListFunction to list available objects
pdaPutFunction to upload object to cloud as json
pdaSyncpda control synchronize
pda documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:40 a.m.