Man pages for peruflorads43
Reviewed Official Classification of Endangered Wild Flora Species in Peru

category_ds043_2006Get DS043-2006-AG: Aprueban Categorizacion de Especies...
dot-match_algorithmThe matching algorithm
ds_043_2006_agSpecies names list from DS043-2006-AG Aprueban Categorizacion...
ds43_2006_sps_classList of species name in tab_ds43_2006 separeted by category
search_ds043Search species name present in the DS043-2006-AG: Aprueban...
tab_ds43_2006List of Plant Species Name accordingly with the DS043-200-AG.
tab_ds43_2006_positionList of the number positions of the first 3 letters of the...
peruflorads43 documentation built on Aug. 21, 2023, 5:14 p.m.