Man pages for pgirmess
Spatial Analysis and Data Mining for Field Ecologists

bbox2sfConvert a bounding box into a sf object.
CIConfidence interval of percentages
classnumGives an index vector of the class category of each value of...
cormatGives a correlation matrix and the probability of Ho for each...
correlogComputes Moran's or Geary's coefficients on distance classes
date2winterConvert a POSIXt date into categories corresponding to a...
diag2edgeComputes the edge of a square from its diagonal
difshannonbioEmpirical confidence interval of the bootstrap of the...
dirProjComputes new coordinates given bearings and distances.
dirSegComputes segment directions.
distNNeighComputes distances to the nearest neighbour
distNodeComputes the distances between each nodes of a polyline.
distSegComputes distances between the top coordinates of segments.
distTotComputes the total length of a polyline.
expandpolyHomothetia (size expansion) of a polygon
findRComputes the distance between the centroid and the most...
friedmanmcMultiple comparisons after Friedman test
kruskalmcMultiple comparison test after Kruskal-Wallis
ks.gofKolmogorof-Smirnov goodness of fit test to normal...
mergeTrackObsCount the nearest observations to points corresponding to...
pairsrpProduces a matrix of scatterplot, regression coefficient and...
paveProvide square polygons or their node coordinates along a...
permcontRandom permutation of a contingency table n row x 2 columns
PermTestPermutation test for lm, lme and glm (binomial and Poisson)...
piankabioComputes the Pianka's index of niche overlap
piankabiobootBootstrap Pianka's index
polycircComputes the polygon coordinates of a circle
polycirc2Computes the polygon coordinates of a circle sector
preybiomJackal and Genet diet in Algeria
print.mcprint method for objects of class 'mc'
SegmentsDraw line segments between pairs of points.
selModModel selection according to information theoretic methods
shannonComputes Shannon's and equitability indices
shannonbioComputes Shannon's and equitability indices from a data frame...
shannonbiobootBoostrap Shannon's and equitability indices
siegelp179Data on rats training
st_thintrackThin a track just keeping the points separated by a user...
tabcont2categConvert a contingency table (data.frame) into a...
trans2pixConvert a transect coordinate file with some waypoints...
trans2segConvert a transect coordinate file into a matrix with segment...
transLines2pixConvert MULTILINESTRING and/or LINESTRING into POINT geometry...
TukeyHSDsSimplify the list of a TukeyHSD object keeping the...
val4symbCenter a numerical vector on a parameter position and...
writecn.delimWrite a data.frame that has Chinese characters
write.delimWrite a data.frame
pgirmess documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:26 a.m.