Man pages for poputils
Demographic Analysis and Data Manipulation

age_group_typeInfer Age Label Type
age_labelsCreate Age Labels
age_lowerLower Limits, Midpoints, and Upper Limits of Age Groups
check_ageValidity Checks for Age Labels
check_equal_lengthCheck that Arguments have Same Length
check_nCheck Whole Number
check_no_overlap_colnumsCheck that Colnum Vectors do not Overlap
combine_ageAggregate Age Group Labels
ex_to_lifetab_brassDerive Life Tables that Match Life Expectancies, using a...
find_label_femaleIdentify Sex or Gender Labels Referring to Females
find_label_maleIdentify Sex or Gender Labels Referring to Males
find_var_ageIdentify an Age Variable
find_var_sexgenderIdentify a Sex or Gender Variable
find_var_timeIdentify a Time Variable
groups_colnumsGet a named vector of column indices for the grouping...
lifetabCalculate Life Tables or Life Expectancies
logitLogit and Inverse-Logit Functions
matrix_to_list_of_colsTurn a Matrix Into a List of Columns or Rows
nzmortMortality Data for New Zealand
nzmort_rvecMortality Data and Probabilistic Rates for New Zealand
poputils-packageFunctions for working with demographic data
q0_to_m0Convert q0 to m0
reformat_ageReformat Age Group Labels
reformat_sexReformat a Binary Sex Variable
rr3Randomly Round A Vector of Integers to Base 3
set_age_openSpecify Open Age Group
to_matrixBuild a Matrix from Measure and ID Variables
trim_01Trim Values So They Are Between 0 and 1
west_lifetabCoale-Demeny West Model Life Tables
poputils documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 9:07 a.m.