Man pages for predicts
Spatial Prediction Tools

backgroundSampleRandom points
biovarsbioclimatic variables
cm_evaluateModel evaluation with a confusion matrix
divpolDivide polygons into equal area parts
envelopeFit a (climate) envelope model and make predictions
foldsMake folds for k-fold partitioning
hullModelhull model
messMultivariate environmental similarity surfaces (MESS)
pa_evaluatePresence/absence Model evaluation
plotPlot predictor values
predictSpatial model predictions
predicts-packageSpatial prediction
pwd_samplePair-wise distance sampling
pycnophyPycnophylactic interpolation.
responseGet partial response data
rmseRoot Mean Square Error
SDMClass "SDM"
thresholdFind a threshold
varImportanceGet variable importance
predicts documentation built on Oct. 7, 2024, 9:06 a.m.