Man pages for ptools
Tools for Poisson Data

bisq_xyBisquare weighted sum
buff_spCreates buffer of sp polygon object
check_poisChecks the fit of a Poisson Distribution
count_xyCount of points in polygon
dcount_xyCount of points within distance of polygon
dist_xyDistance to nearest based on centroid
e_testPoisson E-test
hex_areaGet area of hexagon given length of side
hex_dimGet dimensions of hexagon given area
hex_wdGet width of hexagon given height
idw_xyInverse distance weighted sums
kern_xyKernel density of nearby areas
near_strings1Strings of Near Repeats
near_strings2Strings of Near Repeats using KDtrees
nyc_borNYC Boroughs
nyc_cafeNYC Sidewalk Cafes
nyc_liqNYC Alcohol Licenses
nyc_shootNYPD Open Data on Shootings
paiPredictive Accuracy Index
pai_summarySummary Table for Multiple PAI Stats
pois_contourChecks the fit of a Poisson Distribution
powaltPower for Small Sample Exact Test
prep_gridCreates vector grid cells over study area
prep_hexgridCreates hexagon grid cells over study area
small_samptestSmall Sample Exact Test for Counts in Bins
vor_spVoronoi tesselation from input points
wddEstimates the WDD Test
wdd_harmCombines Multiple WDD Tests
ptools documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:40 p.m.