Man pages for pwrss
Statistical Power and Sample Size Calculation Tools

0-Generic-Chi-square-TestStatistical Power for the Generic Chi-square Test
0-Generic-F-TestStatistical Power for the Generic F Test
0-Generic-t-TestStatistical Power for the Generic t Test
0-Generic-z-TestStatistical Power for the Generic z Test
1-One-CorrelationOne Correlation against a Constant (One Sample z Test)
1-One-MeanOne Mean against a Constant (z or t Test)
1-One-ProportionOne Proportion against a Constant (z Test)
2-Two-CorrelationsDifference between Two Correlations (Independent Samples z...
2-Two-Groups-NPDifference between Two Groups (Non-parametric Tests for...
2-Two-MeansDifference between Two Means (t or z Test for Independent or...
2-Two-ProportionsDifference between Two Proportions (z Test)
4-Indirect-Effect-in-MediationIndirect Effect in Mediation Analysis (z, Joint, and Monte...
4-Linear-Regression-BetaLinear Regression: Single Coefficient (t or z Test)
4-Linear-Regression-RsquaredLinear Regression: R-squared or R-squared Difference (F Test)
4-Logistic-Regression-BetaLogistic Regression: Single Coefficient (Large Sample Approx....
4-Poisson-Regression-BetaPoisson Regression: Single Coefficient (Large Sample Approx....
5-ANOVA-and-ANCOVAAnalysis of (Co)Variance (F test)
5-GOF-or-IndependenceGoodness-of-Fit or Independence (Chi-square Test)
5-Repeated-Measures-ANOVARepeated Measures Analysis of Variance (F test)
6-Plot-Type-I-and-II-ErrorsType I and Type II Error Plot
pwrss documentation built on April 12, 2023, 12:34 p.m.