Man pages for r2country
Country Data with Names, Capitals, Currencies, Populations, Time, Languages and so on

byContinentFetch countries by continent
callingCodeOfFetch the calling code of a country
capitalOfFetch the latest capital of a country
city_timeDataset of current time in Cities
continentOfFetch the continent of a country
country0Names of all countries
country1Names of all countries in upper case
country_calling_codeDataset of countries and their calling code
country_capitalDataset of countries and their capitals
country_continentDataset of countries and their continents
countryEndsWithFetch countries that ends with specified characters
countryHasFetch countries that contains with specified characters
country_languageDataset of country official languages
country_moneyDataset for Country Currencies
country_namesDataset of country names
country_populationDataset of countries and their latest population
countryStartsWithFetch countries that start with specified characters
currencyOfFetch the currency of a country
languageEndsWithFetch countries data with official language ending in...
languageHasFetch countries data based on official language prefix
languageOfFetch the official language of a country
languageStartsWithFetch countries data based on official language prefix
populationOfFetch the latest population count of a country
r2country-packager2country: Country Data with Names, Capitals, Currencies,...
timeInFetch the current time in a specific city
r2country documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:24 p.m.