Man pages for r3js
'WebGL'-Based 3D Plotting using the 'three.js' Library

arrows3jsAdd arrows to a data3js object
axis3jsAdd an axis to an r3js plot
background3jsSet the plot background color
box3jsAdd a box to an r3js plot
clippingPlane3jsCreate a clipping plane object
grid3jsAdd axis grids to an data3js object
group3jsStart a new r3js object group
lastIDGet the ID of the last object(s) added
legend3jsAdd a legend to an data3js object
light3jsAdd a light source to a data3js object
lines3jsAdd lines to a data3js object
material3jsSet material properties of an r3js object
mtext3jsAdd text to the margin of an r3js plot
plot3js3D scatter / line plot
plot3js.newSetup a new r3js plot
plot3js.windowSet axis limits for a data3js object
points3jsAdd points to a data3js object
r3jsPlot a data3js object
r3js-shinyShiny bindings for r3js
save3jsSave an r3js plot to an HTML file
save3jsWidgetSave an r3js widget to an HTML file
segments3jsAdd lines segments a 3js object
shape3jsAdd a generic shape to an 3js plot
sphere3jsAdd a sphere of defined radius to a data3js object
surface3jsAdd a surface to an data3js object
teapotUtah Teapot
text3jsAdd text to a data3js object
triangle3jsAdd a triangle to a data3js object
r3js documentation built on March 31, 2023, 7:23 p.m.