Man pages for rStrava
Access the 'Strava' API

achievement_funGet recent achievements
athl_funGet data for an athlete
athlind_funGet data for a single athlete
chk_nopolylineRemove activities with no geographic data
compile_activitiesconverts a list of activities into a dataframe
compile_activityconvert a single activity list into a dataframe
compile_activity_streamsConvert a set of streams of a single activity into a...
compile_club_activitiesconverts a list of club activities into a dataframe
compile_seg_effortCompile the efforts of a segment
compile_seg_effortsCompile the efforts of multiple segments
compile_segmentCompile information on a segment
follow_funGet athlete follow data
get_activityGet detailed data of an activity
get_activity_listGet an activities list
get_activity_streamsRetrieve streams for activities, and convert to a dataframe
get_athleteGet basic data for an athlete
get_basicGet basic Strava data
get_clubGet club data
get_distsGet distance from longitude and latitude points
get_efforts_listGet all the efforts in a segment if no queries are specified
get_elev_profCreate elevation profiles from activity data
get_exploreExplore segments within a bounded area
get_gearGet gear details from its identifier
get_heat_mapMakes a heat map from your activity data
get_KOMsGet KOMs/QOMs/CRs of an athlete
get_lapsRetrieve the laps of an activity
get_latlonget latitude and longitude from Google polyline
get_leaderboardRetrieve the leaderboard of a segment
get_pagesGet several pages of one type of request
get_segmentRetrieve details about a specific segment
get_spdsplitsGet speed splits in a dataframe
get_starredRetrieve a summary of the segments starred by an athlete
get_streamsRetrieve a Strava data stream for a single activity
location_funGet athlete location
monthly_funGet distance and time for current month
plot_spdsplitsPlot speed by splits
ratelimitGenerate the ratelimit indicator
recent_funGet last three recent activities
seltime_funFormat before and after arguments for API query
strava_oauthGenerata Strava API authentication token
trophy_funGet athlete trophies
url_activitiesSet the url of activities for different activity lists
url_athleteSet the url of the athlete to get data
url_clubsSet the url of the clubs for the different requests
url_gearSet the url of the equipment item to get data
url_segmentSet the url for the different segment requests
url_streamsSet the url for stream requests
rStrava documentation built on Oct. 23, 2024, 5:06 p.m.