Man pages for rb3
Download and Parse Public Data Released by B3 Exchange

cachedirReturns rb3 package cache directory
cdi-idiGet CDI rate and IDI index value from B3 front page
clearcacheClear cache directory
code2monthGet month from maturity code
company_cash_dividends_getGets company's dividents in cash
company_info_getGets information about the company
company_stock_dividends_getGets company's stocks dividends
company_subscriptions_getGets company's subscription rights
convert_toConverts B3 messy files to structured formats
cotahist-extractsExtract data from COTAHIST dataset
cotahist_getGet COTAHIST data from B3
cotahist-options-supersetExtracts equity option superset of data
display_templateDisplay templates
download_marketdataDownload datasets
futures_getGet futures prices from trading session settlements page
index_by_segment_getGet B3 indexes available
index_comp_getGet composition of B3 indexes
indexes_getGet B3 indexes available
indexes_last_updateGet the date of indexes composition last update
index_getGet index historical data
indexreport_getFetches indexes data from B3
index_weights_getGet the assets weights of B3 indexes
maturity2dateGet maturity date from maturity code
rb3-packageRead files from Brazilian Financial Market
read_marketdataRead and parses files delivered by B3
show_templatesShow templates.
yc_getFetches Yield Curve Data from B3
yc_supersetCreates superset with yield curves and futures
rb3 documentation built on April 14, 2023, 5:10 p.m.