Man pages for rbioacc
Inference and Prediction of ToxicoKinetic (TK) Models

bioacc_metricBiaccumulation metrics
Chiro_CreuzotData on Chironomus with several exposure routes.
Chironomus_benzoapyreneData on Chironomus exposed to benzoapyrene
corrMatrixCorrelations between parameters: colored matrix
corrPlotCorrelations between parameters: pairs plot
df_PPData frame of Posterior over Prior
dot-fonteA simple implementation of to pivot_longer of tidyr
dot-index_col_exposureReturn column matching "expw", "exps", "expf", "exppw" of a...
dot-index_col_metaboliteReturn column matching "concX" of a 'data.frame' where X is...
dot-is_equal_rmInfCheck if two vectors 'x' and 'y' are equal after remove 'Inf'
equationsEquations of the mathematical model used for the fit
exposure_namesRetrieve exposure routes names from object
Exposure_Sialis_lutariaData on Sialis lutaria exposure time series
fitTKPosterior predictive check
Gammarus_azoxistrobine_1d_Rosch2017Data on Gammarus exposed to azoxistrobine
Internal_Sialis_lutariaData on Sialis lutaria internal time series
Male_Gammarus_MergedMale 'Gammarus fossarum' exposed to Hg spiked water. Three...
Male_Gammarus_seanine_growthMale 'Gammarus pulex' exposed to seanine spiked water. A...
Male_Gammarus_SingleBio-accumulation data set for _Gammarus fossarum_ exposed to...
mcmcTracesTraces of MCMC iterations
modelDataCreate a list giving data and parameters to use in the model...
modelData_odeCreate a list giving data and parameters to use in the model...
Oncorhynchus_twoData on Oncorhynchus exposition
plot.bioaccMetricPlot function for object of class 'bioaccMetric'
plot_exposurePlot exposure profile
plot.fitTKPlotting method for 'fitTK' objects
plot_PPPlot Posterior over Prior
plot_predictPlotting method for 'predictTK' objects
ppcPPC data.frame
predictPrediction function using 'fitTK' object
psrfPotential Scale Reduction Factors (PSRF) of the parameters
quantile_tableQuantiles of parameters
rbioacc-packageThe 'rbioacc' package.
replace_Replace element of a vector
t95Return the time at 95% depuration of the parent component
waicWidely Applicable Information Criterion (WAIC)
rbioacc documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:57 a.m.