Man pages for rchemo
Dimension Reduction, Regression and Discrimination for Chemometrics

aggmeanCenters of classes
aicplsrAIC and Cp for Univariate PLSR Models
blocksBlock autoscaling
cglsrCG Least Squares Models
checkduplDuplicated rows in datasets
checknaFind and count NA values in a dataset
dderivDerivation by finite difference
detrendPolynomial de-trend transformation
dfplsr_cgDegrees of freedom of Univariate PLSR Models
dkplsrDirect KPLSR Models
dkrrDirect KRR Models
dmnormMultivariate normal probability density
dtaggSummary statistics of data subsets
dummyTable of dummy variables
epoExternal parameter orthogonalization (EPO)
euclsqMatrix of distances
fdaFactorial discriminant analysis
getknnKNN selection
gramKernel functions
gridscoreTuning of predictive models on a validation dataset
headmDisplay of the first part of a data set
interplResampling of spectra by interpolation methods
kplsrKPLSR Models
kplsrdaKPLSR-DA models
krrdaKRR-DA models
ldaLDA and QDA
lmrLinear regression models
lmrdaLMR-DA models
locwLocally weighted models
lwplsda_aggAggregation of KNN-LWPLSDA models with different numbers of...
lwplsr_aggAggregation of KNN-LWPLSR models with different numbers of...
lwplsrdaKNN-LWPLS-DA Models
matWBetween and within covariance matrices
mavgSmoothing by moving average
mbplsdamulti-block PLSDA models
mbplsrmulti-block PLSR algorithms
mbplsr_mbplsda_allstepsMBPLSR or MBPLSDA analysis steps
odisOrthogonal distances from a PCA or PLS score space
orthogOrthogonalization of a matrix to another matrix
pcaPCA algorithms
pinvMoore-Penrose pseudo-inverse of a matrix
plotjitJittered plot
plotscorePlotting errors rates
plotspPlotting spectra
plotxnaPlotting Missing Data in a Matrix
plotxy2-d scatter plot
plsdaPLSDA models
plsda_aggPLSDA with aggregation of latent variables
plsrPLSR algorithms
plsr_aggPLSR with aggregation of latent variables
plsr_plsda_allstepsPLSR or PLSDA analysis steps
rmgapRemoving vertical gaps in spectra
rrLinear Ridge Regression
rrdaRR-DA models
sampclaWithin-class sampling
sampdpDuplex sampling
sampksKennard-Stone sampling
savgolSavitzky-Golay smoothing
scordisScore distances (SD) in a PCA or PLS score space
scoresResiduals and prediction error rates
segmkfSegments for cross-validation
selwoldHeuristic selection of the dimension of a latent variable...
snvStandard normal variate transformation (SNV)
soplsdaBlock dimension reduction by SO-PLS-DA
soplsrBlock dimension reduction by SO-PLS
soplsr_soplsda_allstepsSOPLSR or SOPLSDA analysis steps
sourcedirSource R functions in a directory
summDescription of the quantitative variables of a data set
svmSVM Regression and Discrimination
transformGeneric transform function
vipVariable Importance in Projection (VIP)
wdistDistance-based weights
xfitMatrix fitting from a PCA or PLS model
rchemo documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:05 p.m.