Man pages for reclin2
Record Linkage Toolkit

add_from_xAdd a variable from one of the data sets to pairs
cluster_callCall a function on each of the worker nodes and pass it the...
cluster_collectCollect pairs from cluster nodes
cluster_modify_pairsCall a function on each of the worker nodes to modify the...
cluster_pairGenerate all possible pairs using multiple processes
cluster_pair_blockingGenerate pairs using simple blocking using multiple processes
cluster_pair_minsimGenerate pairs with a minimal similarity using multiple...
comparatorsComparison functions
compare_pairsCompare pairs on a set of variables common in both data sets
compare_varsCompare pairs on given variables
deduplicate_equivalenceDeduplication using equivalence groups
get_inspect_pairsGet a subset of pairs to inspect
greedyGreedy one-to-one matching of pairs
linkUse the selected pairs to generate a linked data set
linkexampleTiny example dataset for probabilistic linkage
match_n_to_mForce n to m matching on a set of pairs
merge_pairsMerge two sets of pairs into one
pairGenerate all possible pairs
pair_blockingGenerate pairs using simple blocking
pair_minsimGenerate pairs with a minimal similarity
predict.problink_emCalculate weights and probabilities for pairs
problink_emCalculate EM-estimates of m- and u-probabilities
score_simpleScore pairs based on a number of comparison vectors
select_n_to_mSelect matching pairs enforcing one-to-one linkage
select_thresholdSelect matching pairs with a score above or equal to a...
select_uniqueDeselect pairs that are linked to multiple records
summary.problink_emSummarise the results from 'problink_em'
tabulate_patternsCreate a table of comparison patterns
town_namesSpelling variations of a set of town names
reclin2 documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:21 a.m.