Man pages for red
IUCN Redlisting Tools

aooArea of Occupancy (AOO).
countriesCountries of occurrence.
elevationElevation limits.
eooExtent of Occurrence (EOO).
kmlOutput kml files.
map.drawMap creation.
map.easySpecies distributions made easy (multiple species).
map.habitatMap species distribution of habitat specialist.
map.pointsMap recorded distribution of species.
map.sdmPredict species distributions.
moveMove records to closest non-NA cell.
outliersVisual detection of outliers.
raster.cleanUniformize raster layers.
raster.distanceCreate distance layer.
raster.eastCreate eastness layer.
raster.latCreate latitude layer.
raster.longCreate longitude layer.
raster.northCreate northness layer.
raster.readRead and buffer raster layers.
raster.reduceReduce dimensionality of raster layers.
recordsDownload taxon records from GBIF.
red.examplesExample data packaged with *red*
red.getDirRead GIS directory.
red.setDirSetup GIS directory.
red.setupDownload and setup GIS files.
rliRed List Index.
rli.mapMapping the Red List Index.
rli.multiRed List Index for multiple groups.
rli.predictPrediction of Red List Index.
rli.sampledSampled Red List Index.
thinSpatial thinning of occurrence records.
red documentation built on Sept. 9, 2023, 1:07 a.m.