Man pages for reformulas
Machinery for Processing Random Effect Formulas

anySpecialDetect whether there are any 'specials' in a formula term
expandDoubleVertsExpand terms with "||" notation into separate "|" terms
findReTrmClasseslist of specials - taken from enum.R
formfunsexpand double-bar RE notation by splitting
isNestedIs f1 nested within f2?
mkReTrmsCreate list of structures needed for models with random...
nobarsOmit terms separated by vertical bars in a formula
no_specialsDrop 'specials' from a formula
RHSFormextract right-hand side of a formula
splitFormSplit formula containing special random effect terms
subbars"Substitute bars"
sub_specialsSubstitute safe chars (+) for specials (for use in...
reformulas documentation built on Nov. 3, 2024, 9:07 a.m.