Man pages for reslr
Modelling Relative Sea Level Data

cross_val_checkCross validation check for spline in time, spline in space...
NAACproxydataRelative Sea level example dataset
pipePipe operator
plot.reslr_inputPlot raw data with measurement uncertainty.
plot.reslr_outputPlotting the results for each statistical model from the...
print.reslr_inputPrint a reslr output object which is created from the...
print.reslr_outputPrint a reslr output object which is created by the...
reslr_loadLoading in data for the 'reslr' package
reslr_mcmcRun a 'reslr_input' object through the main reslr Markov...
summary.reslr_outputProduces summaries and convergence diagnostics for an object...
reslr documentation built on July 9, 2023, 7:54 p.m.