Man pages for restatis
Web API Client for the German Federal Statistical Office Database

evas_list_long_20220724List of EVAS Codes
gen_alternative_termsSearch for Related Terms Based on the Same Specific String
gen_auth_saveSave Authentication of Your GENESIS Account
gen_catalogueExplore Different Objects and Their Structural Embedding in...
gen_cubeGet the Data of a Cube From GENESIS
gen_findGeneral Search for Objects Through GENESIS
gen_list_jobsSearch for Current Jobs of Your User Account
gen_metadataSearch for Meta-Information for All Types of Objects
gen_metadata_cubeSearch for Meta-Information for a Cube
gen_metadata_statsSearch for Meta-Information for a Statistic
gen_metadata_tabSearch for Meta-Information for a Table
gen_metadata_valSearch for Meta-Information for a Value
gen_metadata_varSearch for Meta-Information for a Variable
gen_modified_dataSearch for Newly Added Objects or Documented Changes to...
gen_objects2statSearch for Objects Related to a Statistic
gen_objects2varSearch for Objects Related to a Variable
gen_search_varsSearch for a Specific Variable
gen_tableGet the Data of a Table From GENESIS
gen_val2varSearch for the Values of a Variable
gen_val2var2statSearch for the Variables and Their Values From a Statistic
gen_var2statSearch for the Variables From a Statistic
restatis-packagerestatis: Web API Client for the German Federal Statistical...
restatis documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:31 p.m.