Man pages for rfPermute
Estimate Permutation p-Values for Random Forest Importance Metrics

balancedSampsizeBalanced Sample Size
casePredictionsCase Predictions
classPriorsClass Priors
cleanRFdataClean Random Forest Input Data
combineRPCombine rfPermute objects
confusionMatrixConfusion Matrix
importanceExtract rfPermute Importance Scores and p-values.
pctCorrectPercent Correctly Classified
plotImpPredsPlot Important Predictor Distribution
plotInbagPlot Inbag distribution
plotNullPlot Random Forest Importance Null Distributions
plotPredictedProbsPlot Predicted Probabilities
plotProximityPlot Random Forest Proximity Scores
plotTracePlot Trace
plotVotesPlot Vote Distribution
rfPermuteEstimate Permutation p-values for Random Forest Importance...
rfPermute_package'rfPermute' package
summaryDiagnostics of 'rfPermute' or 'randomForest' models.
symb.metabSymbiodinium type metabolite profiles
rfPermute documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 1:08 a.m.