Man pages for rhosa
Higher-Order Spectral Analysis

bicoherenceEstimate bicoherence from given time series data.
biperiodogramCalculate biperiodogram
bispectrumEstimate bispectrum from time series data.
cross_bicoherenceEstimate cross-bicoherence from time series data.
cross_bispectrumEstimate cross-bispectrum from time series data.
dot-blackman_windowBlackman window function
dot-hamming_windowHamming window function
dot-hann_windowHann window function
kim_and_powers_modelA test signal of the phase coherence between three...
mode_matchingEstimate cross-bicoherence's empirical null distribution by a...
three_channel_modelA three-channel model of quadratic phase coupling
rhosa documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:27 a.m.