Man pages for rlecuyer
R Interface to RNG with Multiple Streams

AdvanceStateAdvance the state of a stream
CreateStreamSpawn new streams
CurrentStreamSet/unset the current stream
DeleteStreamRemove streams
GetStateReturn current state of a stream
GetStreamsReturn names of existing streams
IncreasePrecisSwitch between 32 and 53 bits of resolution
initInitialization and Cleaning
internalInternal functions
ResetNextSubstreamReset the state of a stream
rlecuyer-packageR Interface to Random Number Generator with Multiple Streams
SetAntitheticSwitch between U and 1-U variates
SetPackageSeedSet RNG Seed
uniformGenerate random numbers
WriteStateOutput of the current state of streams
rlecuyer documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:42 a.m.