Man pages for rstackdeque
Persistent Fast Amortized Stack and Queue Data Structures an rdeque to a data.frame an rpqueue to a data.frame an rstack to a data.frame
as.list.rdequeConvert an rdeque to a list
as.list.rpqueueConvert an rpqueue to a list
as.list.rstackConvert an rstack to a list
as.rdequeCreate a pre-filled rdeque from a given input
as.rdeque.defaultDefault method for converting to an rdeque
as.rpqueueCreate a pre-filled rpqueue from a given input
as.rpqueue.defaultDefault method for converting to an rpqueue
as.rstackCreate an rstack pre-filled from a given input
as.rstack.defaultDefault method for converting to an rstack
emptyCheck if an rstack, rdeque, or rpqueue is empty
empty.rdequeCheck if an rdeque is empty
empty.rpqueueCheck if an rpqueue is empty
empty.rstackCheck if an rstack is empty
fixdFix an rdeque
fixd.rdequeFix an rdeque
head.rdequeReturn the first n elements of an rdeque as an rdeque
head.rpqueueReturn the head (front) of an rpqueue
head.rstackReturn the head (top) of an rstack
insert_backInsert an element into the back of an rdeque or rpqueue
insert_back.rdequeInsert an element into the back of an rdeque
insert_back.rpqueueInsert an element into the back of an rpqueue
insert_frontInsert an element into the front of an rdeque
insert_front.rdequeInsert an element into the front of an rdeque
insert_topInsert an element onto the top of an rstack
insert_top.rstackInsert an element onto the top of an rstack
length.rdequeReturn the number of elements in an rdeque
length.rpqueueReturn the number of elements in an rpqueue
length.rstackReturn the number of elements in an rstack
makeequalGeneric maintenance function for rpqueues
makeequal.rpqueueMaintenance function for rpqueues
peek_backReturn the data element at the back of an rdeque
peek_back.rdequeReturn the data element at the back of an rdeque
peek_back-setAssign to/modify the back of an rdeque
peek_back-set-.rdequeAssign to/modify the back of an rdeque
peek_frontReturn the data element at the front of an rdeque
peek_front.rdequeReturn the data element at the front of an rdeque
peek_front.rpqueueReturn the data element at the front of an rpqueue
peek_front-setAssign to/modify the front of an rdeque or rpqueue
peek_front-set-.rdequeAssign to/modify the front of an rdeque
peek_front-set-.rpqueueAssign to/modify the front of an rpqueue
peek_topReturn the data element at the top of an rstack
peek_top.rstackReturn the data element at the top of an rstack
peek_top-setAssign to/modify the top of an rstack
peek_top-set-.rstackAssign to/modify the top of an rstack
print.rdequePrint an rdeque
print.rpqueuePrint an rpqueue
print.rstackPrint an rstack
rdequeCreate a new empty rdeque
rev.rstackReverse an rstack
rotateGeneric maintenance function for rpqueues
rotate.rpqueueMaintenance function for rpqueues
rpqueueCreate a new empty rpqueue
rstackCreate a new, empty rstack
rstacknodeInternal structure used by rstacks, rdeques, and rpqueues
without_backReturn a version of an rdeque without the back element
without_back.rdequeReturn a version of an rdeque without the back element
without_frontReturn a version of an rdeque or rpqueue without the front...
without_front.rdequeReturn a version of an rdeque without the front element
without_front.rpqueueReturn a version of an rpqueue without the front element
without_topReturn a version of an rstack without the top element
without_top.rstackReturn a version of an rstack without the top element
rstackdeque documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:15 a.m.