Man pages for rtoot
Collecting and Analyzing Mastodon Data

auth_setupAuthenticate with a Mastodon instance
convert_token_to_envvarConvert token to environment variable
create_tokenget a bearer token for the mastodon api
get_accountQuery the instance for a specific user
get_account_blocksGet blocks of user
get_account_bookmarksGet bookmarks of user
get_account_favouritesGet favourites of user
get_account_featured_tagsGet featured tags of a user
get_account_followersGet followers of a user
get_account_followingGet accounts a user follows
get_account_listsGet lists containing the user
get_account_mutesGet mutes of user
get_account_relationshipsFind out whether a given account is followed, blocked, muted,...
get_account_statusesGet statuses from a user
get_clientregister a mastodon client
get_contextView statuses above and below this status in the thread
get_fedi_instancesGet a list of fediverse servers
get_instanceGet various information about a specific instance
get_list_accountsView accounts in a list
get_listsView your lists
get_pollView a poll
get_statusView information about a specific status
get_timeline_hashtagGet hashtag timeline
get_timeline_homeGet home and list timelines
get_timeline_publicGet the public timeline
parse_streamParser of Mastodon stream
post_list_accountsAdd accounts to a list
post_list_createCreate a list
post_statusPerform actions on a status
post_tootPost status update to user's Mastodon account
post_userPerform actions on an account
rtootQuery Mastodon API
rtoot-packagertoot: Collect Mastodon data from R
save_auth_rtootsave a bearer token to file
search_accountsSearch the instance for a specific user
stream_timelineCollect live streams of Mastodon data
verify_credentialsVerify mastodon credentials
rtoot documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:14 a.m.