Man pages for sandbox
Probabilistic Numerical Modelling of Sediment Properties

add_PopulationAdd a Population to a Rule Book
add_RuleAdd a Rule to a Rule Book
convert_unitsConvert between phi units and micrometers
get_RuleBookGet One of a Series of Predefined Rule Books for a Model Run.
make_SampleCreate a Virtual Sample.
measure_SAR_OSLMeasure an aliquot with the CW SAR OSL protocol
prepare_AliquotPrepare Aliquots from Sample Dataset
prepare_SievingSieve a Sample
prepare_SubsamplePrepare Subsamples from a Sample Dataset
sampleExample Grain Size Data
sample_osl_aliquotsAliquots Prepared to Measured Virtually
sandbox-packageProbabilistic Numerical Modelling of Sediment Properties
set_ParameterSet Profile- and Grain-Specific Model Parameters.
set_RuleSet depth-dependent rule for model parameter.
sandbox documentation built on March 18, 2022, 7:06 p.m.