Man pages for sandwich
Robust Covariance Matrix Estimators

breadBread for Sandwiches
estfunExtract Empirical Estimating Functions
InstInnovationInnovation and Institutional Ownership
InvestmentUS Investment Data
isoacfIsotonic Autocorrelation Function
kweightsKernel Weights
lrvarLong-Run Variance of the Mean
meatA Simple Meat Matrix Estimator
NeweyWestNewey-West HAC Covariance Matrix Estimation
PetersenCLPetersen's Simulated Data for Assessing Clustered Standard...
PublicSchoolsUS Expenditures for Public Schools
sandwichMaking Sandwiches with Bread and Meat
vcovBS(Clustered) Bootstrap Covariance Matrix Estimation
vcovCLClustered Covariance Matrix Estimation
vcovHACHeteroscedasticity and Autocorrelation Consistent (HAC)...
vcovHCHeteroscedasticity-Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimation
vcovJK(Clustered) Jackknife Covariance Matrix Estimation
vcovOPGOuter-Product-of-Gradients Covariance Matrix Estimation
vcovPCPanel-Corrected Covariance Matrix Estimation
vcovPLClustered Covariance Matrix Estimation for Panel Data
weightsAndrewsKernel-based HAC Covariance Matrix Estimation
weightsLumleyWeighted Empirical Adaptive Variance Estimation
sandwich documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 9:17 a.m.