Man pages for scGate
Marker-Based Cell Type Purification for Single-Cell Sequencing Data

combine_scGate_multiclassCombine scGate annotations
gating_modelModel creation and editing
genes.blacklist.defaultBlocklist of genes for dimensionality reduction
get_scGateDBLoad scGate model database
get_testing_dataDownload sample data
load_scGate_modelLoad a single scGate model
performance.metricsPerformance metrics
plot_levelsPlot scGate filtering results by level
plot_treePlot model tree
plot_UCell_scoresPlot UCell scores by level
query.seuratToy dataset to test the package
scGateFilter single-cell data by cell type
test_my_modelTest your model
scGate documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:56 a.m.