Man pages for schemr
Convert Images to Usable Color Schemes

hex_to_labConvert hex RGB values to Lab space.
hex_to_rgbConvert hexadecimal colours to RGB colour channels.
hex_to_xyzConvert hex RGB values to XYZ space.
hsl_to_hsvConvert HSL to HSV
hsl_to_labConvert HSL to Lab
hsl_to_rgbConvert HSL space into RGB space
hsl_to_xyzConvert HSL to XYZ
hsv_to_hslConvert HSV to HSL
hsv_to_labConvert HSV to Lab
hsv_to_rgbConvert HSV to RGB
hsv_to_xyzConvert HSV to XYZ
image_to_palletteDevelop a usable colour palette form an image.
lab_to_hexConvert from Lab space into hex RGB colour values.
lab_to_hslConvert Lab to HSL
lab_to_hsvConvert Lab to HSv
lab_to_rgbConvert from Lab space into RGB colour channels.
lab_to_xyzConvert from Lab space to XYZ colour channels.
palette-schemr-methodPlot the colour palette
plot-schemr-ANY-methodPlot the clustered image data
rgb_to_hexConvert RGB colour channels to hex colour codes.
rgb_to_hslConvert RGB space into HSL space
rgb_to_hsvConvert RGB to HSV
rgb_to_labConvert from RGB colour channels to Lab space.
rgb_to_xyzConvert from RGB colour channels to XYZ space.
schemr-classCreate the schemr class, which holds the palette and image...
xyz_to_hexConvert from XYZ space into hex RGB colour values.
xyz_to_hslConvert XYZ to HSL
xyz_to_hsvConvert XYZ to HSV
xyz_to_labConvert from XYZ colour channels to Lab space.
xyz_to_rgbConvert from RGB colour channels to XYZ space.
schemr documentation built on June 25, 2024, 9:07 a.m.