Man pages for sephora
Statistical Estimation of Phenological Parameters

datesToDoYMapping phenodates to days of year (DoY)
deciduous_polygon128 NDVI pixels from a MOD13Q1 time series
fill_initialgap_MOD13Q1Fill gaps of first three dates of MOD13Q1
getDist_phenoParamUtility function
get_metadata_yearsReturns metadata to construct x-axis and legend of...
getSpiralPlotSpiral plot of phenological parameters
global_min_maxGlobal minimum and maximum of a real-valued continuous...
local_min_maxLocal minimum and maximum of a real-valued continuous...
ndvi_derivativesCalculates derivatives of idealized NDVI
phenoparPhenological parameters estimation
phenopar_polygonPhenological parameters estimation in mass
sephora-classclass sephora
sephora-methodsPlot methods for 'sephora'
sephora-packageStatistical Estimation of Phenological Parameters
vecFromDataGet numeric vector from RData file
vecToMatrixMapping numeric vector to a matrix
sephora documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:57 a.m.