Man pages for simsalapar
Tools for Simulation Studies in Parallel

array-stuffTools For Converting To and From Arrays, Lists, and Array of...
deviceCropping and Font Embedding PDF Device
doApplyFunctions for Iterating Over All Subjobs
doCallWEInnermost Computation: Error Catching Version of
doCheckChecking a User's doOne
expr2latexTranslate 'plotmath' expressions to LaTeX
grid-stuffTools For Working with Variable Specification Lists
LEseedsAdvancing .Random.seed for "L'Ecuyer-CMRG"
mayplotMatrix-like Plot for Arrays up to Rank 5
simsalapar-packageTools for Simulation Studies in Parallel with R
subjobSubjob - Compute one Row of the Virtual Grid
toLatex-ftableConvert Flat Contingency Table (ftable) and VarLists to LaTeX...
tryCatchWECatching and Storing Warnings and Errors Simultaneously
varlistVariable Specification List - Generation and Class
wrapLaTableWrapper for a floating LaTeX Table
simsalapar documentation built on April 27, 2023, 9:05 a.m.