Man pages for simtrial
Clinical Trial Simulation

check_argsCheck argument types, length, or dimension
counting_processProcess survival data into counting process format
create_cutCreate a cutting function
create_testCreate a cutting test function
cut_data_by_dateCut a dataset for analysis at a specified date
cut_data_by_eventCut a dataset for analysis at a specified event count
early_zeroZero early weighting function
ex1_delayed_effectTime-to-event data example 1 for non-proportional hazards...
ex2_delayed_effectTime-to-event data example 2 for non-proportional hazards...
ex3_cure_with_phTime-to-event data example 3 for non-proportional hazards...
ex4_bellyTime-to-event data example 4 for non-proportional hazards...
ex5_wideningTime-to-event data example 5 for non-proportional hazards...
ex6_crossingTime-to-event data example 6 for non-proportional hazards...
fhFleming-Harrington weighting function
fit_pwexpPiecewise exponential survival estimation
get_analysis_dateDerive analysis date for interim/final analysis given...
get_cut_date_by_eventGet date at which an event count is reached
maxcomboMaxCombo test
mbMagirr and Burman weighting function
mb_delayed_effectSimulated survival dataset with delayed treatment effect
milestoneMilestone test for two survival curves
multitestPerform multiple tests on trial data cutting
randomize_by_fixed_blockPermuted fixed block randomization
rmstRMST difference of 2 arms
rmst_single_armCalculate RMST for a single cut-off time point
rmst_two_armCalculate RMST difference
rpwexpThe piecewise exponential distribution
rpwexp_enrollGenerate piecewise exponential enrollment
sim_fixed_nSimulation of fixed sample size design for time-to-event...
sim_gs_nSimulate group sequential designs with fixed sample size
sim_pw_survSimulate a stratified time-to-event outcome randomized trial
simtrial-packagesimtrial: Clinical Trial Simulation
to_sim_pw_survConvert enrollment and failure rates from 'sim_fixed_n()' to...
wlrWeighted logrank test
simtrial documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:01 a.m.