Man pages for smartsheetr
Access and Write 'Smartsheet' Data using the 'Smartsheet' API 2.0

random_sheet_nameGet a random sheet name
smartsheetr-packagesmartsheetr: Access and Write 'Smartsheet' Data using the...
ss_add_columnsAdd columns to an existing sheet
ss_add_rowsAdd rows to a sheet.
ss_apiThe workhorse function that performs each call to the...
ss_cols_to_dataframeHelper function to take columns data and create a data frame.
ss_column_idsList column ids for a given sheet
ss_column_typeReturn the Smartsheet Column Type that aligns with the R...
ss_column_type_to_classReturn an empty vector of the correct class from the...
ss_delete_columnsDelete non-primary columns from a given sheet.
ss_delete_rowsDelete rows from a given sheet
ss_delete_sheetDelete a smartsheet
ss_getExecute curl commands for the Smartsheet API
ss_list_sheetsGet a data frame describing the smartsheets available
ss_list_sheet_sharesList share data for a given sheet
ss_list_usersList smartsheet users
ss_read_sheetReads a Smartsheet sheet into an R data frame
ss_rename_columnsRename columns
ss_replace_sheetReplace the contents of a sheet with a new data frame
ss_resp_data_to_dataframeHelper to rbind lists in a list into a data frame
ss_row_idsList row ids for a given sheet
ss_sheetidGet a smartsheet sheetId from a response
ss_sheet_shareShare a sheet with a user
ss_write_sheetCreate a sheet
ss_write_sheet_columnsWrite the initial columns for the a sheet
to_jsonConvert list to a JSON character vector
unlist_and_replace_nullHelper function to replace NULL values with NA, and unlist,...
validate_ss_idValidate or get the sheetID from a numeric/character vector
smartsheetr documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 5:42 p.m.