Man pages for sortinghat

all_equalFunction to check whether all elements in a numeric vector...
check_argumentsChecks the arguments passed to the error rate estimator...
cov_autocorrelationConstructs a p-dimensional covariance matrix with an...
cov_block_autocorrelationGenerates a p-dimensional block-diagonal covariance matrix...
cov_intraclassConstructs a p-dimensional intraclass covariance matrix.
cv_partitionPartitions data for cross-validation.
errorestWrapper function to estimate the error rate of a classifier
errorest_632Calculates the .632 Error Rate for a specified classifier...
errorest_632plusCalculates the .632+ Error Rate for a specified classifier...
errorest_apparentCalculates the Apparent Error Rate for a specified classifier...
errorest_bcvCalculates the Bootstrap Cross-Validation (BCV) Error Rate...
errorest_bootCalculates the Bootstrap Error Rate for a specified...
errorest_cvCalculates the Cross-Validation Error Rate for a specified...
errorest_loo_bootCalculates the Leave-One-Out (LOO) Bootstrap Error Rate for a...
partition_dataHelper function that partitions a data set into training and...
simdataWrapper function to generate data from a variety of...
simdata_contaminatedGenerates random variates from K multivariate contaminated...
simdata_friedmanGenerates data from 3 multivariate normal data populations...
simdata_guoGenerates data from 'K' multivariate normal data populations...
simdata_normalGenerates random variates from K multivariate normal...
simdata_tGenerates random variates from K multivariate Student's t...
simdata_uniformGenerates random variates from multivariate uniform...
which_minHelper function that determines which element in a vector is...
sortinghat documentation built on May 30, 2017, 4:52 a.m.