Man pages for speccurvieR
Easy, Fast, and Pretty Specification Curve Analysis

bottlesCalCOFI Bottle Data
controlExtractorExtracts the control variable names and coefficients from an...
duplicate_removerRemoves duplicate control variables
formula_builderBuilds models formulae with every combination of control...
paste_factoryPaste together controls and independent variable
plotAICPlots the AIC across model specifications.
plotControlDistributionsPlots control variable distributions.
plotCurvePlots a specification curve.
plotDeviancePlots the deviance of residuals across model specifications.
plotR2AdjPlots the adj. R-squared across model specifications.
plotRMSEPlots RMSE across model specifications.
plotVarsPlots the variables in each model.
scaPerform specification curve analysis
scpPrepares the output of 'sca()' for plotting.
se_bootEstimates bootstrapped standard errors for regression models
se_compareCompare different kinds of standard errors
speccurvieR-packagespeccurvieR: Easy, Fast, and Pretty Specification Curve...
unAsIsRemoves the 'AsIs' class attribute from the input.
speccurvieR documentation built on Oct. 10, 2024, 1:08 a.m.