Man pages for starvars
Vector Logistic Smooth Transition Models Estimation and Prediction

coef.VLSTARCoefficient method for objects of class VLSTAR
loglikeMultivariate log-likelihood
logLik.VLSTARLog-Likelihood method
lrvarbartLong-run variance using Bartlett kernel
multiCUMSUMMultivariate CUMSUM test
plot.VLSTARPlot methods for a VLSTAR object
plot.vlstarpredPlot methods for a vlstarpred object
predict.VLSTARVLSTAR Prediction
print.VLSTARPrint method for objects of class VLSTAR
rcovRealized Covariance
RealizedMonthly time series used to test VLSTAR models.
Sample5minutesTen simulated prices series for 19 trading days in January...
SSQSum of squared error
startingVLSTARStarting parameters for a VLSTAR model
summary.VLSTARSummary method for objects of class VLSTAR
techpricesDaily closing prices of 3 tech stocks.
VLSTARjointJoint linearity test
starvars documentation built on Jan. 18, 2022, 1:08 a.m.