Man pages for statBasics
Basic Functions to Statistical Methods Course

ci_1pop_bernConfidence interval for a population proportion
ci_1pop_expConfidence interval for a population mean (exponential...
ci_1pop_generalConfidence interval for a population mean (general case)
ci_1pop_normConfidence interval for the normal distribution parameters
ci_2pop_bernConfidence interval for the difference in two population...
ci_2pop_normConfidence Interval for the normal distribution parameters -...
ht_1pop_meanHypothesis testing for the mean (normal distribution)
ht_1pop_propHypothesis testing for the population proportion
ht_1pop_varHypothesis testing for the population variance
ht_2pop_meanHypothesis testing mean for two populations
ht_2pop_propHypothesis testing for two population porportions
ht_2pop_varF Test to compare two variances
statBasics documentation built on June 29, 2024, 1:07 a.m.