Man pages for statsgrokse
R 'API' Binding to Server

check_date_inputsHelper function for statsgrokse()
check_page_inputshelperp function for statsgrokse() that checks and corrects...
download_datafunction downloading prepared URLs
exapnd_tsvectorized version of expand_ts()
expand_tsHelper function for statsgrokse() that transforms a time span...
get_datafunction for getting data (download + extraction)
htmlfunction downloading content
http_headerfunction for pasting together the HTTP user-agent field
prepare_urlsfunction preparing URLs for downlaod
prev_month_endfunction to get date of end of prev month
prev_month_startfunction to get date of start of prev month
statsgrokseFunction for getting access statistics for wikipedia pages...
wp_datePackage specific 'as.Date()' function
wp_dayFunction to extract the day
wp_monthFunction to extract the month
wp_wdayFunction to extract the day of the week
wp_yearFunction to extract the year
wp_yearmonthfunction for getting year and month of a timestamp
statsgrokse documentation built on May 30, 2017, 1:55 a.m.