Man pages for str2str
Convert R Objects from One Structure to Another

a2d(3D+) Array to Data-Frame
a2la(3D+) Array to List of (3D+) Arrays
a2ld3D Array to List of Data-Frames
a2lm(3D) Array to List of Matrices
a2v(3D+) Array to (Atomic) Vector
abind-setAdd array slices to 3D+ Array ”abind<-” adds array slices...
all_diffTest if All Elements are Different
all_sameTest if All Elements are the Same
append-setAdd Elements to Vectors
cat0Concatenate and Print with No Separator
cbind_fillBind DataFrames Along Columns - Filling in Missing Rows with...
cbind_fill_matrixBind Matrices Along Columns - Filling in Missing Rows with NA
cbind-setAdd Columns to Data Objects
codesInteger Codes of Factor Levels
d2aData-Frame to (3D+) Array or Matrix
d2dData-Frame to Data-Frame (e.g., factors to character vectors)
d2ldData-Frame to List of Data-Frames
d2lvData-Frame to List of (Atomic) Vectors
d2mData-Frame to Matrix
d2vData-Frame to (Atomic) Vector
dimlabelsDimension labels (i.e., names of dimnames)
dimlabels-setAdd Elements to Vectors
e2lEnvironment to List
fct2vFactor to (Atomic) Vector
grab'grab' extracts the contents of objects in an environment...
inbtwElements Inbetween Values Within a (Atomic) Vector
is.avectorTest for an Atomic Vector
is.cnumericTest for Character Numbers
is.colnamesTest for 'colnames'
is.DateTest for a Date object
is.dummyTest for a Dummy Variable
is.emptyTest for Empty Characters
is.namesTest for 'names'
is.POSIXctTest for a POSIXct object
is.POSIXltTest for a POSIXlt object
is.rownamesTest for 'rownames'
is.row.namesTest for 'row.names'
is.wholeTest for Whole Numbers
JoinJoin (or Merge) a List of Data-frames
la2aList of (3D+) Arrays to (3D+) Array
laynamesNames of the Layers (the Third Dimension)
ld2aList of Data-Frames to a 3D Array
ld2dList of Data-Frames to Data-Frame
ld2vList of Data-Frames to (Atomic) Vector
lm2aList of Matrices to 3D Array
lm2dList of Matrices to Data-Frame
lm2vList of Matrices to (Atomic) Vector
lv2dList of (atomic) vectors to Data-Frame
lv2mList of (atomic) Vectors to Matrix
lv2vList of (atomic) Vectors to (atomic) Vector
m2dMatrix to Data-Frame
m2lvMatrix to List of (Atomic) Vectors
m2vMatrix to (Atomic) Vector
ndimNumber of Object Dimensions
nlayNumber of Layers (the Third Dimension)
not.colnamesIdentify Elements That are Not Colnames
not.namesIdentify Elements That are Not Names
not.rownamesIdentify Elements That are Not Rownames
not.row.namesIdentify Elements That are Not Row.names
order.customCustom Order Permutation
pickExtract Elements From a (Atomic) Vector
rbind-setAdd Rows to Data Objects
snSet a Vector's Names as its Elements
stack2Stack one Set of Variables from Wide to Long
str2str-packageStructure to Structure
t_listTranspose a List
try_exprAdd Try to Expression
try_funAdd Try to Function
undimUndimension an Object
undimlabelUndimlabel an Object
undimnameUndimname an Object
unstack2Unstack one Set of Variables from Long to Wide
v2d(Atomic) Vector to Data-Frame
v2fctCharacter Vector to (Unordered) Factor
v2frmCharacter Vector to Formula
v2lv(Atomic) Vector to List of (Atomic) Vectors
v2m(Atomic) Vector to Matrix
str2str documentation built on Nov. 21, 2023, 1:08 a.m.