Man pages for survC1
C-Statistics for Risk Prediction Models with Censored Survival Data

CompCaseCreates complete case data
concA child function to calcuate concordance
cvCCross-validation estimate for C
Est.CvalEsimtation of C
Est.PHDerivation of a risk score by a Cox proportioal hazarzs model
Inf.CvalInference of C
Inf.Cval.DeltaInference of Delta C
kmcensKaplan-Meier for Censoring
survC1-packageC-Statistics for Risk Prediction Models with Censored...
unoCWA child function used in Inf.Cval and Inf.Cval.Delta
unoU2PA child function used in Inf.Cval and Inf.Cval.Delta
VEC2MATVector to Matrix
survC1 documentation built on Feb. 10, 2021, 5:06 p.m.