Man pages for survivALL
Continuous Biomarker Assessment by Exhaustive Survival Analysis

allHRFor all possible separation points for a cohort ordered by a...
allPvalsFor all possible separation points for a cohort ordered by a...
areaBetweenCurvesCalculate the area above the bootstrapped thresholds but...
bootstrapThresholdsCalculate per-separation point hazard ratio thresholds
checkContSigCalculate association between survival and a continuous...
compSelectGiven a dataframe of phenotypic information, use a variable...
hrSignificanceCalculate HR significance using bootstrap results
nki_subsetNKI breast cancer patients subset with complete t.dmfs and...
plotALLCalculate and combine hazard ratio, pvalue, threshold and...
removeOutliersCalculate outliers in a numeric vector and then convert those...
survivALLCalculate and combine hazard ratio, pvalue, threshold and...
survivALL documentation built on May 1, 2019, 11:02 p.m.